When I was about 17-18 years old, I had two experiences that changed my life forever. First, was the experience of raising my frequency/vibration. I was studying extra sensory perception also known as ESP and was particularly interested in telekinesis at that time. Although I understood what I was studying, I did not get how to actually apply it in a real life situation. I practiced the exercises taught to me, but didn't have any recognizable results.
Then one day while riding on the bus to school, it just hit me! I heard myself say in my head "What makes you shake?". Then I thought about that and the first thing that came to me was FEAR and being frightened, like when someone jumps out of a bush and scares you. I constantly thought about that feeling and then I heard myself say "Now all you have to do is figure out how to make that feeling happen whenever you want and play with it."
I immediately closed my eyes and made sure to sit still, then I tried to duplicate the feeling of being scared. In other words I experimented with making myself 'shake' without actually moving. I tried it two or three times and IT ACTUALLY WORKED! I was amazed that I could make myself shake without moving my body. It was a vibration that I felt in the middle of my forehead and down my spine. The feeling spread through my whole body and it felt like a dull electric shock. After practicing this for many years I can say that I have learned how to use extra sensory perception to an extent. I cannot call myself a 'Master' as of yet. I have made light objects move without touching them like cloth and paper and other light objects. I can also astral project and a few other things, but extra sensory perception is SCIENCE that has been studied, investigated and proven by physicists for decades.
Now, in relation to Djedi science, this ability is called 'Raising the Djed'. I had no idea how powerful this ability was as a teenager. Also I hadn't learned about the 'rods' until later in life.
When I was a child, my father would take me to see Star Wars and Indiana Jones at the movies whenever Lucas released a movie. Strange thing was, my father didn't really care about sci-fi and he wasn't a very 'happy' individual. He watched western movies and old black and white cop shows and army shows on TV. There was NO indication at home of him being a sci-fi fan. But something about Star Wars called out to me and it was the most amazing thing that my mind was exposed to as a child. Because of my personality type, I actually LEARNED things when I watched those movies, that helped me in life as I grew up. But I digress.
Djedi science, is the technology that was used in ancient Egypt and by other ancient civilizations which still baffle scientists to this very day. Now I say this because they only SEEM to be baffled. What is happening is that the 'Dark Side' or the forces of darkness on our world have full knowledge of this science, but because they do not want the Djedi to rise again, they keep this information to themselves or they at least try. Whenever they get indication of somebody with the potential of being a Djedi, they eliminate the individual or individuals.
Extra sensory perception, the mind over matter concept and the idea of 'natural magic' are all the basis of what Djedi science actually is. I always say "Magic is just science that scientists don't understand yet.".
Djedi science can be traced by studying ancient structures, relics, artwork, tools and records. Electromagnetism and free energy I would say are the foundation of what is called 'the force'.
The subject of Djedi science is so broad and extensive that I felt it necessary to provide the ebooks, files, videos and documents here on this site. Some of this info I found through research and some of these things were shared with me. You can download some of these files below.
I have learned from many people throughout my life whether is had been in person or through research, but the individual I am most impressed with is a man named Dan Winter. I shared one of his videos below on Djedi science.
He is obviously a Djedi himself and has taken on the position of being an instructor. I am personally grateful for the amount of work he has put in to educating everyone on this path and I feel that everyone interested in this subject, should listen to this man and take notes.
Another individual doing extraordinary work in regards to Djedi science named his youtube channel 'Theoria Apophasis'. His insight is worthy of study for any Djedi student or master. I will share some of his work here as well. There are MANY others whose work is worthy of study and notability, I am making mention of these two people because my spirit is drawn to them. This is how I know the difference between the Djedi and the Djinn. I can sense it.
Anyway, enjoy the materials below and make sure to consider getting the OrgoKnight Info Pack.