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Transdermal Therapy


Definition of TRANSDERMAL


Transdermal is a route of administration wherein active ingredients are delivered across the skin for systemic distribution. Examples include transdermal patches used for medicine delivery, and transdermal implants used for medical or aesthetic purposes.




Holding the OrgoKnight Rods in the hands is a form of  therapy in that copper and zinc are absorbed through the palms. Therefore one needs to understand the dynamics  of transdermal therapy and the absorption of vitamins and minerals through the skin.

These strategies include eating natural, nutrient dense food, using skin food applications (explained below), moderate exercise (mobility), hydration (drinking natural, negatively charged water), frequent physical contact with nature (grounding and emotional support) and adequate sunlight exposure (preferably early in the morning).

Many preventative lifestyle strategies have been tested and shown to halve your health risk and some cases even more. For example, optimizing your sunlight exposure (eg. vitamin D, along with a good supply of sulphur in a diet), has been shown to reduce some cancer incidences by 77% in four years. Protective strategies are effective in the prevention of diseases or adverse health conditions and can virtually eliminate most chronic disorders.

The purpose of this paper is to discuss strategies for supplying nutrients to the skin and other body parts closely connected to the skin, as part of an overall health protection strategy. So why do you need to know this information? There is a fair chance that your doctor or other health practitioner has little or no knowledge of nutrition absorption and how biology works in the gut and on your skin, along with how nutrients and other materials are absorbed through the skin to the blood.


Nutrients For The Skin
Your body does not solely access or absorb nutrients through the digestion of food in the gut, but also through your skin. Your skin absorbs about 60% of materials that are applied or exposed to the skin (topically). Nutrients or other materials can be either natural (found in nature) or chemical (produced as a chemical compound or synthetically), and in this respect, skin nutrient strategies or products are a significant preventative lifestyle requirement in the modern era of exposure to chemical pollution in food, soil, water and the air.

The skin is a complex organ comprising numerous specialised cells that support skin function. For example, nutritional support for the regenerating epidermis and dermis layers of the skin during the latter stages of wound healing is not only important in long-term wound resolution but will promote the restoration of strong, healthy skin.

While the chemical, biological and structural design of the skin will slow absorption and limit penetration of some large molecules through the skin, along with limiting the loss of vital nutrients and water from the underlying tissue; the skin is a primary pathway for absorption of nutrients and water. Blood vessels that supply nutrients for all skin layers are found in the skin dermis layer. Also, new skin cells are continuously produced in the outer cells of the skin layer are enzymatically detached from this layer and then shed.

Changes in nutritional status that alter skin structure and function can also directly affect skin appearance. Unlike many organs, skin nutrition can be enhanced directly through topical applications. Topical application of natural micronutrients (from food, essential oils, herbs, seawater, etc.) can complement dietary consumption of food, leading to a stronger, healthier skin for the body. The skin health is also critical as skin cells function as mechanical sensors and produce growth factors that regulate sweat glands, hair follicles, nail growth, and nerve blood cell functions in skin.

The idea that the skin provides a complete barrier function to protect against pathogens, chemicals, and environmental exposures is a myth. Therefore, any skin care or cosmetic products that are promoted to increase the skin barrier defence are based on a false premise.

For example, over 1000’s of years humans have know that the topical application of a wide variety of herbs, clays (minerals), essential oils and waters (including seawater and mineral springs) has had beneficial health benefits, primarily for the skin, hair, nails, nerves, muscles, joints and blood conditions.

Also, in the modern era, humans are now absorbing through their skin a wide range of poisonous chemicals used in farming and other industries. These chemicals can end up in the bloodstream and all of the other cells of the body. It is most likely, that at least 20-30% of toxins in human cells could be derived from environmental sources and through the skin. This toxin absorption process can seriously affect skin and general health.

Skin health is critical in sustaining the balance of microbial species that cover the skin layer all over the body. Different parts of the body skin have different species due to the differences in function. For example, the biology (microbe species) under the armpits is different from the biology that covers the elbow. These skin microbes require skin nutrients and a skin condition (health) to properly function. For example, these microbes that live on the skin have the vital role of keeping in check inflammation triggered by injury and unwanted pathogenic microbes. They also play a role in wound healing and this is why the wound area has to be microbially balanced. This fact also suggests that antibacterial hand gels and soaps might exacerbate skin conditions characterised by excessive inflammation and microbial imbalances. Although inflammation is a natural body response and essential for recovery from injury, the ability to damp it down through microbial balancing is a key because prolonged inflammation can lead to skin diseases like psoriasis.

There are numerous scientific references to many studies that have found that our bodies absorb directly into the bloodstream close to 60% of the topical products or materials with which the skin (our largest organ) comes into contact.

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