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Pharmakeia Webinar

                         PHARMACY = SORCERY AND/ OR WITCHCRAFT




One of the MAIN reasons we create OrgoKnight Rods is that they have so many health benefits and healing qualities. IT IS URGENT that humanity returns to the natural methods of healing due to the SHOCKING TRUTH about the commercial medical field. READ ON..........


The English word pharmacy is derived from the Greek word for sorcery, pharmakeia. Pharmakeia and its related word forms doctor_death, pharmakeus, pharmakon, pharmakos and pharmakoi are the words from which we get the modern English words pharmacy, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical, pharmacist, pharmacopia, pharmacology, pharmaceuticalist and pharmaceuticalism.

The King James Bible translators translated “pharmakia” as “witchcraft”, because almost no one but witches and sorcerers used drugs 400 years ago. Drugs were most commonly used in pagan worship to hallucinate and to try to communicate with evil spirits.


The meaning of the word sorcery is "The use of magic, especially black magic. Its synonyms are witchcraft - magic - witchery - wizardry - spell.


These uses of 'sorcerers' (KJV) use a different Greek word to the singular use of this word in Acts 13:6,8; so this is not just the plural of the same word. From the Greek 'pharmakeus' (Words 5332 and 5333 in Strongs). So there is a connection between all four uses of words 5331, 5332 and 5333 in Revelation. There is indeed a relationship here to the English word 'pharmacy'













Towards the goal of facilitating the union of the sons of god with the daughters of men, pharmakeia/ sorcery plies our bodies and minds, acting to conform us to the image of the serpent.

Drugs/Chemicals induce changes in our body chemistry. These effect our body's function, metabolic processes. They influence how we feel, think and act, our personality, responses and reactions. These changes may be temporary but may also last a very long time. Some cause our DNA to be rewritten, which changes us quite tangibly into a different "us." Because the life of the flesh is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11) and our blood is subject to pharmakeia's/ sorcery’s effects, there is a direct impact on our souls! The influence is also supernatural, with the very real effect of opening a door or gateway, a dimensional portal through which demons may pass. Our thoughts and actions are then given over to their control. These entities are referred to as familiar spirits. The supernatural activity of angels and demons is the effectual power, which do work through natural agencies.

Pharmakeia can hinder people from receiving the holy spirit, or can isolate those who have it from the Lord and deny them what benefit would otherwise be enjoyed.

The Rx symbol has another interpretation that provides an interesting perspective. "Rx is an abbreviation for the Latin word 'recipere' or 'recipe,' which means 'Take, thou.' This is an expression of a command to receive the drug/spell being offered. The interpretation of Rx as 'recipere' acknowledges the symbol as an inducement to receive the pharmakeia.


The Rx symbol and the spell inducing drug scheme it represents exist to facilitate the mark of the beast. This symbol is ubiquitous in the health care environment, as is the Rod of Asclepius that links the medical practice to the Greek god known by that name or alias. The health care environment has been and continues to be signaled by the elite agencies as the primary sector in which the mark will be introduced.

From the early enchantments and cutting of roots taught by the fallen Semjaza forward through time to the pharmakeia referenced in Revelation 18 you can track the Rx symbol and the trade it represents.


Some commentators have interpreted the symbol as a direct representation of traditional treatment of Dracunculiasis, the Gu worm/ Guinea worm disease. The worm emerges from painful ulcerous blisters. The blisters burn, causing the patient to immerse the affected area in water to cool and soothe it. The worm senses the temperature change and discharges its larva into the water. The traditional treatment was to slowly pull the worm out of the wound over a period of hours to weeks and wind it around a stick.


































Witches/ Sorcerers & Gu Worms (Guinea Worms)







The traditional preparation of gu poison involved sealing several venomous creatures (e.g., centipede, snake, scorpion) inside a closed container, where they devoured one another and allegedly concentrated their toxins into a single survivor (which would be a parasite that emerges from the dead body then eats the bodies of other two). Gu was used in black magic practices such as manipulating sexual partners, creating malignant diseases, and causing death. According to Chinese folklore, a gu spirit could transform into various animals, typically a worm/ parasite, caterpillar, snake, frog, dog, or pig.


This phobia about parasites emerges quite clearly in the ancient treatise of exorcism of the third century BCE mentioned earlier and in the contemporaneous medical manuscripts of Mawangdui. In them the character chong serves as a generic term for a set of creatures; insects; worms; snakes’ and other reptiles. In short it designates animal vermin. Every chong is considered a potential agent of disaster. The relationship between demonology and parasitology is equally evident in the famous practice of sorcery called gu. Equated with poison, demonic, force and witchcraft, the gu by itself could stand as the symbol of Chinese “black magic” from “High Antiquity” One of the oldest and deadliest preparations of the gu is to place insects, snakes, and other small creatures in the earthenware jar and leave them there until they devour one another. The last surviving creature, appropriately called gu, which concentrates within all the noxiousness of the ingested vermin, is thought to be a formidable vehicle of bewitchment.


The realm of demonic imagination connected with vermin progressively gave away to a nomenclature of parasitic diseases. Just like the deities, internal and external demons maintain relations of complicit, indeed of kindship. This emerges clearly in a work of the Tang, the pinnacle of demonic entomology: The Taishang chu sanshi jiiuchong boasheng jing, the Book for Expelling he Three Worms and the Nine insects and for Protecting Life” Long before that, the first Daoists took up the principles of demonic nosography that had been handed down through the centuries Lists of illnesses caused by the demons abound in Daoists demonology.

The Demon Statutes exposed fevers, headaches, stomach ulcers, vomiting, choking, and giddiness caused by the demons. Mental illnesses are also attributed to the gui, succubi of core being and the vital energies. Among the psychiatric symptoms cited most often we neurasthenia, depression, alternating fits of tears and laughter, terrifying nightmares, delirium, hallucinations, children’s nocturnal fears and suicide.


No fewer afflictions are recorded in the interminable predictions of epidemics trotted out by the Daoist zealots of the Scripture of the Grotto Chasms. It is with a sense of dread that the devastating illnesses, physical, cramps, deafness, jaundice, diarrhea, vomiting, blood, nose bleeds, suppurating abscesses, plague, cholera, paralysis, malaria, decomposition of the genital organs, and the list goes on. No pathological torture seems to have been forgotten by the adepts, of the end of the world. The demons enter directly into the organisms, “suck the vital essence and eat the blood” of their victims or in the shape of miasmas of different colours, make people intoxicated and bring about their death.


On earth, ninety kinds of illnesses strike down the sinner….. The blue breaths sow death; the red; plague, the yellow, dysentery, the white; cholera; the black, official crackdowns.


Human beings have their body covered in pustules. Their limbs and their face become successively, green, red, yellow, white and black. They suffer now from cold, now from heat. [Fevers] come upon them and then disappear. Day after day they endure the worst troubles. The breaths come in pierce their heart; the abdominal region becomes quite hard. They no longer want to eat and take less and less food until they completely lose their appetite.


They suffer from malaria. Their eyes are cloudly. In their delirious state, their speech, is demented. At times they will sing and shriek at others sob. Their limbs are quite purulent, their breathing is spasmodic and irregular. Epidemics like this are spreading over the whole earth!


















                 THE ARCHON EMPIRE


'Gu Syndrome' in ancient Egypt was called 'Solanum', Muslims call these demons the Djinn, here in America and by modern medicine is called 'Toxoplasmosis'. The Gnostics called them the 'Archons'. The Archons are highly intelligent demons that have taken the physical form of microscopic parasites. Their main goal is to obtain the optimum host vessel. Here on Earth they have mainly inhabited Feline and Human bodies. This is why we will now introduce to you the very reason the OrgoKnights exist and who we are fighting against. The parasites mentioned have possessed the bodies of over half the world's population and have taken over their minds as well. This explains the evils we see here on our planet and is the cause of all of this 'inhuman-e' behavior.

 So without further delay we bring to you... THE ARCHON EMPIRE

                              Click Here!

Ancient Egyptian art showing a rod being used to repel and/or control  the serpent/ worm.

Witches, Sorcerers & Modern Medicine

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