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Manuscript “The Mysteries of Life and Death” gives description of solid copper, zinc and silver rods, the exact technology of their manufacturing, relates the method of their application, and defines their purpose quite clearly—the energetic potential strengthening and informational contact with higher forms of intelligence. That version surely looks more logical and credible than others, especially if the following facts are taken into consideration. Comparing with short life expectance of ancient Egyptians, the longevity of some pharaohs and priests strikes imagination: Pepy II sat on throne for 94 years, Ramesses II (the Great)—for 67 years, Thutmose III—for 54 years, Psammetichus I—for 51 years. Longevity of the Egypt state itself was lost in remote ages and was awed of by ancient historian Herodotus.

Modern historic science can tell us a lot about Ancient Egypt. But there is a whole layer of some secret knowledge, methods and means is left hidden, which provided pharaohs and priests with vigorous longevity, powers and wisdom to rule the country, develop agriculture, crafts, science and arts—these masterpieces still delights us with bright spirituality—during many centuries. It’s necessary to note, that Egyptian physicians were held in great regard in contemporary world, and the rulers of adjacent to Egypt countries preferred to be treated by them in particular.

Cylindrical pharaoh Horus’ Rods are not a modern invention. They were recreated many times according to ancient technology, which was kept in secret for a long time, each time using new achievements of our technological civilization. There are some descriptions of Horus’ Rods’ utilization in the beginning of XIX century as auxiliary mean for self-regulation and self-perfection practice of little known Caucasian and Turkic esoteric system of knowledge.

Here is the quotation about Horus’ Rods from the chapter “Renewal of nervous energy”: “The used in Ancient Egypt method for corporal energy streams strengthening was shown on figures, represented the second master-arcan. Standing figures gripe two rods, they gripe them with great force similar to electric one, when hands holds the grip themselves, release this energy inside the body to collect it in unipolar joints and spinal juices. Energetic potential restoration is one hundred percent whole and is being saved during day and night for twenty-four hours.
There were two rods, they were of different composition. It was believed, that rod in right hand had the power of the Sun, the other one—of the Moon. At the same time the “moon” rod is a catalyst giving greater activity to the “sun” rod.”
Such rods, sometimes with quartz crystals, sea-sand or other filling, were known even in the most remote times. There is a lot of data about Horus’ Rods, some of it is published in the Internet (more than 106 files).


Copper and zinc were used not only by Michelangelo, Faraday, Lavoisier, Pythagor and Lomonosov. All, who were connected with to physics, including priests of Ancient Egypt, used them – there were no other sources of electrical current in those times. You are using them now, too, every time when we buy batteries for a torch.
DC from such copper and zinc rods as weak and unstable as it was nevertheless flowed from hand to hand, overcoming body tissues resistance, being modulated during that way by weak signals of your own organism coming through neurons.




The tests show that Pharaoh’s rods’ influence shift energetic state of the body to another, more “higher” level, when restoration processes, assisting in whole body harmonization, are going on more actively. Scientists believe that such an effect is achieved by combination of galvanotherapy, metalotherapy, magnetotherapy and

mineralotherapy. First, some explorers think that cylindrical form itself generates special kind of fields, called torsion..

Second, the existence of potential drop between copper, zinc and hands’ skin creates weak electrical current in the body. Third, copper itself has a curing ability, and has been used in medicine from the time of yore. Fourth, physical fields

created by the Rod’s filling

cure human’s body through bioactive points of palms.

Some physicists’ views

During experimental processes in the Precise Mechanics and Optic Institute conducted by Dr. of technical science, scientific director of Energy and Informational Technologies Center, prof. G. N. Dulnev, his equipment registered increasing heat flow emanating from hands of patients with Pharaoh’s Rods in their hands. G. N. Dulnev gave an idea that this effect is connected with torsion (spinor) fields agitation due to interaction between human’s body and the Rods. According to the existing hypothesis, natural spinor (torsion) fields, which all material objects of live and non-live nature possess, do not usually manifest themselves because of their small magnitude, but can be increased by articles of pyramidal, conical and cylindrical forms. As interaction between Sun & Moon Rods & their loading and human’s body create spinor fields of high tension, the Pharaoh’s Rods can be put in category of so-called spinor generators.
After exploring different spinor generators models the scientists from the Material Authority Problems Institute of Ukrainian Academy of Science came to the following conclusions: some extrasensory human’s abilities can be explained within spinor fields theory range, but “things, demonstrated by ‘extrasensory individuals’ and much more that they unable to do, can be implemented by spinor fields generators”; with such generators it is possible “to actively influence living objects on molecular and cellular level, and regulatory system parts and body in whole for animals and human being”.



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