The most important role of the healing abilities of OrgoKnight Rods is that they provide transdermal doses of copper and zinc. This gives the body the ability to create 'superoxide dismutase. The microcurrent (small electric charge) from holding zinc in one hand and copper in the other stimulates ATP synthesis. Both of these natural biological functions boost the immune system to it's full potential and tremendously slows down aging extending the lifespan of the user.
Both of these functions amplify our physical, mental and spiritual abilities as well.
Considered to be quite possibly the most powerful antioxidant our body creates, superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an enzyme found in almost all living cells. To really understand how this enzyme works in your body, you need to understand the negative effects of free radicals and oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress occurs when there is imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body’s ability to defend or detoxify their harmful effects. If you are familiar with free radicals at all, you are probably aware of their damage potential. They are thought to be a contributing factor to a number of diseases including atherosclerosis, stroke, and arthritis.
A free radical is an especially reactive atom or group of atoms that has one or more unpaired electrons. If you remember your high school chemistry, you will remember that electrons come in pairs. When one electron is lost from that pair, it makes the atom "highly reactive" as it looks to replace that lost electron anywhere it can. In your body, those replacement electrons come from cells in your body--destroying those cells in the process. Your body is constantly replacing and repairing cells damaged by free radicals; but with the way we live and abuse ourselves, our bodies are bombarded with more free radicals than they can handle.
By supplementing with antioxidants, we help our bodies keep up with the carnage, and it is even possible to reverse some of that damage. So what are antioxidants? Antioxidants, quite simply, are compounds that render free radicals harmless and stop the chain reaction formation of new free radicals.
Many scientists believe that free radicals are the major villain in both aging and the diseases associated with aging. The amount of cells destroyed over the years by free radicals is enormous. Free radicals literally "eat away" the major organs of the body. The use of antioxidant supplements at a maintenance level may provide the ultimate defense against premature aging and a compromised immune system. At therapeutic levels, antioxidants may actually play a significant role in reversing many of the effects of aging and disease.
One harmful free radical in particular is the superoxide radical (O2-). It is produced as a byproduct of oxygen metabolism and causes many types of cell damage. Most notably, the superoxide radical attacks cell mitochondria. When mitochondria are destroyed, the cell loses its ability to convert food to energy. It dies. In fact, superoxide may contribute to the development of many diseases (the evidence is particularly strong for radiation poisoning and hyperoxic injury), and perhaps also to aging via the oxidative damage that it inflicts on cells.
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an enzyme that facilitates the breakdown of the toxic superoxide radical into either ordinary molecular oxygen (O2) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Hydrogen peroxide is also damaging, but less so than the superoxide radical, and it is also degraded by catalase. SOD works along with glutathione to neutralize reactive oxygen molecules in the body.
SOD also works in the cytoplasm of the cell to prevent the hydroxyl radical from attacking enzymes, proteins, and the unsaturated fats in cell membranes. SOD is an extremely efficient enzyme; it catalyzes the neutralization of superoxide nearly as fast as the two can diffuse together spontaneously in solution. These are a few reasons you’ll find SOD as an ingredient in Jon Barron’s Ultimate Antioxidant formula.
In addition to helping eradicate free radicals, SOD has been used to help with:
rebuilding tissue
extending the length of life
treating pain and swelling (inflammation)
interstitial cystitis
poisoning caused by a weed-killer called paraquat
lung problems in newborns.
improving tolerance to radiation therapy
lowering rejection rates in kidney transplantation
minimizing heart damage caused by heart attacks.
ATP synthase is an enzyme that creates the energy storage molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the most commonly used "energy currency" of cells for all organisms.
Research has shown that microcurrent technology radically increases ATP. This is a high energy molecule that stores and transfers energy within all cells so that normal activity can take place. In theory, animals should be able to provide all the ATP needed but this does not always happen and any healing process requires large amounts of ATP, which can become depleted. Microcurrent stimulation increases ATP production by up to 400% and when introduced can enhance and accelerate healing in a fraction of the normal time. Pain is also minimised and effectively controlled.
People are consistently absorbing energy from the environment, including light energy and the intake of oxygen, as well as from the food they consume. The body utilizes these outside sources of energy to create its own form of power via the mitochondria of each cell, known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is known as the energy of life or molecular currency, as it is responsible to power the cells. The cells, in turn, generate a measurable level of electrical current that allows all functions and basis of life, including current of injury and regeneration.10,11
The decrease of ATP synthesis
As the cells success, or lack thereof, is dependent on ATP, the reproduction or synthesis of ATP is then crucial for a healthy cell and a healthy body, including skin, muscle tone, repair and regeneration. To a certain degree, one could consider the body’s ability to maintain its youthful integrity completely dependent on the level of ATP that was able to be generated consistently to power the essential cellular functions of life effectively. Some scientists consider the process of aging a slow trauma that consistently puts forth a form of COI or a constant request for more energy to maintain peak performance. This constant request and reaction becomes weaker and weaker as time goes on.12
Stimulating ATP synthesis
Specific artificial sources of energy can also be utilized by the body to create a higher rate of ATP synthesis, including light-activated rejuvenation, microcurrent and oxygen-infusion systems.13 Although it sounds fairly simple, creating reactions within the body is unique to each person, as everyone is very frequency-specific.
Microcurrent and ATP
The body is very sensitive to the level of intensity of outside energy that is being applied. For example, with the use of microcurrent, studies indicate that the most dominant levels of ATP synthesis—300–500% increase in ATP—occurred when using values less than 400 µA, 14,15 which follows the Arnold Shultz law that states small doses stimulate cell activity, larger doses hinder it, and still larger doses destroy it.
Low levels of microcurrent with specific frequencies are very interesting in that the body can actually utilize these small amounts of currents in lieu of its own, allowing for maximum cellular function while simultaneously allowing the body to take a breather. Additionally, strategically designed microcurrent devices and accessories allow the practitioner to apply the energy directly to the area where the effect is desired, opposed to relying on the brain to send the appropriate stimulation to the area for regenerative purposes.
Higher levels of µA, on the other hand, simply do not work and actually hinder and diminish ATP synthesis altogether, which, in turn, has an adverse effect on every part of the body and its cellular functions. This occurs as the body perceives higher levels of electrical current as an invader and spends most of its energy, or ATP, defending against the invader.
The frequency-specific body
You can think of your body a bit like a radio receiver—101.​5 receives one station, 101.​7 another, and 102 yet another. Although all of the radio frequencies exist at one time simultaneously, only one can be received and utilized based upon the specifics of the receiver.
As noted earlier, each person is very frequency-specific and therefore affected by different specific sequences of frequencies combined with lower levels of µA. Having said this, some medical device manufactures utilize proprietary frequency-sequencing technology that canvasses a wide array of frequencies in a short period of time, allowing maximum potential results. Attempting to gain a positive result from aimless low levels of electrical current without specific frequency sequences is simply not effective and would be similar to trying to receive 101.5 on a radio that only allowed 101 and 102 radio frequencies to be received.
Studies performed with microcurrent have proven many different positive benefits, most of which are attributable to higher levels of ATP that allow each to be realized. Age-related benefits of microcurrent include increased levels of collagen and elastin production; faster healing and skin regeneration; minimized trauma after surgery, including bruising, inflammation and swelling; better muscle tone and longevity of muscle re-education; and a vast improvement of most cellular activity, including membrane transport, amino isobutric uptake, amino acid uptake, gluconeogenesis, glycosaminoglycan production, and so on.
Light energy and ATP
Many NASA studies have proven that lower levels of light-activated rejuvenation have also been able to increase ATP synthesis in a very similar way that can be achieved with plants. Although the proven level is not equal to that of microcurrent studies, researchers believe significant increases will be able to be achieved with new proprietary sequencing technology that is becoming available by medical device manufacturers, allowing light to function in the same type of sequencing ranges as proven microcurrent devices. As with microcurrent, light is not effective when applied aimlessly.
Oxygen infusion and ATP
Oxygen infusion is often overlooked in regard to its role in ATP synthesis, as the amount of available oxygen is closely related to the body’s ability to maximize ATP synthesis by establishing pathways that produce high-energy phosphate bonds. Because oxygen is essential for maximum ATP synthesis, as well as other positive attributes to the health and visual appearance of the skin, oxygen infusion is a natural partner to be used with microcurrent and light-activated rejuvenation to increase the overall ATP potential and the pursuit of healthy cells and a more youthful appearance.
Going electric
Regardless of what studies are looked at, most concur with and support the conclusion that healthy cellular function is necessary for a healthy, vibrant body, including the appearance of skin and muscle tone. People understand that, as the human body ages, there exists a natural degradation of cellular function, which is representative of a lack of ATP synthesis ultimately responsible to power the cell. It is also known that specific outside sources, including microcurrent, light-activated rejuvenation, and oxygen-infusion technology, can have a substantial impact on the stimulation of ATP synthesis, as well as work in harmony with the natural functions of the body.
There is little doubt that humans are all electrical beings and that ATP is truly the current of life. Having said this, the ability to stimulate ATP synthesis certainly brings people one step further in the pursuit of unraveling the mysteries of the fountain of youth.

Copper & Zinc Superoxide Dismutase - SOD

The DNA Evidence

Once I learned about Superoxide Dismutase and ATP Synthesis, it made me wonder if there was a connection. Could SOD and ATP be what made the Atlanteans and ancient Egyptians so advanced and superior? Could they be the keys to how these so called 'gods', Kings, Priests and many others were able to live so long?
Well now, like any researcher would, I DUG DEEPER. What I found was two scientific studies that answered my questions and PROVED that I am right in trusting my gut feelings.
Superoxide Dismutase has been found in the DNA of ancient Egyptian mummified Kings. Every statue of Egyptian Kings will be seen holding two rods in their hands.
These two studies are vital in knowing that the solutions to many of our current problems have been already solved by our ancestors. Also that the statues are CLUES and we should pay more attention to them.

Left: Zinc & Copper rods found in the coffin of King Pepi II. Right: Statue of King Pepi II.
Superoxide Dismutase was DEFINITELY one of the secrets of the ancient Gods and Pharoahs.