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OrgoKnight Rods

For the Support, Enhancement and Extension of Life

Psalms 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.


George Lucas produced the concept of jedi knights, the force and light sabers from a very REAL and ancient practice. The energy he often described as "the force" is actually Orgone Energy/Ether/Akasha. Lightsabers are really Lucas' version of the rods created by the ancient Egyptians. WE....ARE THE REAL THING! And due to the current conditions of our planet, it is time that this knowledge be once again taught to humanity. We are a specialized group that will be using ancient/advanced knowledge and technology as our new way of LIFE.

The rods you see on this website are something TOTALLY NEW! ...and based on orgone technology. What we have done is COMBINE MULTIPLE  METAPHYSICAL ENERGIES INTO ONE HANDHELD TOOL. 

OrgoKnight Rod Secret Filling

The composition of the filling is based on the study of the powers possessed by the Egyptian gods and priests compared with the modern metaphysical effects caused by certain materials. By matching them up we developed a compound which is almost exact with the filing used by the Djedi masters. 
 The Full data about the filling is a 'trade secret' only known by the OrgoKnights. The design is a combination of the Egyptian Djedi Rods and the Ancient Kyber Crystal design lightsabers from Star Wars, which were the first lightsabers created in Star Wars canon. One element we can reveal is that we use orgonite as the base of our rod filling. The other items and elements used is a trade secret.

A study of the effectiveness of the Rods was carried out in April 1993 and December 1995. Using modern equipment and the most advanced methods, a group of medical scientists from the Dzhanelidze First Aid Scientific Research Institute, St Petersburg, led by Dr. M.A. Nikulin, that were put forward for the Nobel Prize in 1990. A computer monitor displayed the data, received from the points, indicated the current internal organs' condition. The information was taken from the bio-active palm zones with the help of diagnostic methods. There were three stripes on the monitor: green - "organs' condition in order", red and blue - "disorder". For sure, everybody has it own particular dispersedness of these points: some of them are in the green zone, another outside it, thus it shows, that all of us have their disorders. Some minutes later people, holding the cylinders, experienced a little miracle: all of the points started to move towards the green zone.

"...During the first few minutes people under test, holding the cylinders, experience a powerful pulse wave from the left side to the right one. A sensation of the vessels filling with blood is registered that has been named "the vascular stage" by researchers. Infrared radiation increases from the right upper limb, and then the thermal field at the limbs evens out. Together with these changes in the subject's organism, a general rise in activity is observed, accompanied by an 8-10 beats per minute increase in pulse-rate. By the second minute a warming of the cervico-thoracic section of the spinal column with increased infrared radiation was observed. It follows, then, that the whole of the vegetative nervous system is drawn into the process, and there is an energetic activation of the tissues of both the upper limbs, and the body as a whole. As a consequence the headache is alleviated and blood pressure tends towards the norm." -from the experimental record

Dr M.A. Nikulin concluded the following: "When any pathologies within a human body are detected we observe a thermal asymmetry between the ill and healthy parts of the body. Held in hands, the cylinders equalize this thermal asymmetry, thus showing their therapeutic effect."

The cylindrical Rods can be recommended for people suffering from:


  • cardio-vascular diseases

  • early phase hypertension

  • neurotrophic disorders

  • diseases of the excretory systems

  • insomnia (and also as a means stress reduction & arteriosclerosis prevention)

When carrying out a number of targeting experiments, Dr. M.A. Blank, specialist of the Oncological Center in Pesochny, discovered that the influence of the Rods creates a special condition in the organism making it more efficient at self-healing. According to the researches' conclusions the cylinders' influence "transfers" the organism to such a harmonized state, when it is much easier for it to cope up with all the troubles within. "There is a parameter that characterizes the functioning of cells - the respiratory waves of cells. Oncological condition of the organism suppresses those respiratory waves, but the cylinders, on the contrary, improve that parameter. But cancer is an extremely serious "citadel"; you won't seize it with such gentle means. Perhaps, it is worth using like a preventive measure, but this conclusion requires additional researches. One thing is clear: where cancer makes things bad, the cylinders try to make them a little better." Dr. Blank suggests that the Rods be recommended as a preventive remedy for people with transcontinental syndrome, whose business is connected with flights from one time zone to another (pilots, sportsmen, tourists, long-distance drivers, etc.) and when asynchronous modes of internal and external organism work causes headache and weakness.

The research, carried out in June 2000 by Polish bio-energetic doctors under the leadership of Marek Stavisky, showed that: "A surface of the zinc Rod radiates the ultraviolet spectrum. I use this spectrum for splitting the structures of malignant tumors and for freezing their activity. Another spectrum, that appears on the butt-end of the zinc Rod, is used for radiating the malignant tumors before operating." His studies show that the radiation provided only by the single zinc Rod can be successfully used for treating cancer. The set of the Rods-QUARTZ used in pair, provides the radiation that is effective for curing and for use by ill people for self-immune therapy.

The complex research carried out by the International Shaping Federation in March-June 2000 discovered that the Rods can be effectively used for quick reduction of physical and nervous tension and physical and spiritual power recovery after working or training hard.

Daily work with the Rods has a beneficial effect in cases of: -


  • over-agitation and nervous disorders

  • problems with arterial pressure

  • vegeto-vascular disorders

  • normalize the functioning of the heart in cases of arrhythmia and neuroses

  • improve circulatory processes, with a beneficial effect on blood vessels

  • each pain in the joints in cases of arthritis and gout

Note: The statements regarding the OrgoKnight Rods have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The OrgoKnight Rods are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information herein is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your physician. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your condition. Informational material and representations are provided throughout this site.

The Research

As soon as we pick up the copper and zinc cylinders a potential difference of 0.8 to 1 volt, sometimes more, arises between them. The appearance of a potential difference between the Life Sabers evokes a natural process of balancing (harmonizing) the ratio of charged particles which improves the fluidity of the blood and has a restorative effect on the circulatory system. This is one of the main reasons why the priests used their rods constantly.




Make a human battery by substituting sweat from the skin for the salt bridge in a galvanic cell. You can make a human battery with one person, a group of people, or even a thousand people. This is a simple yet impressive electrochemistry demonstration. The usual method of connecting the half-cells of a galvanic cell is to use a salt bridge as a source of mobile ions. With the copper in one hand, zinc in the other and the sodium from the sweat in your hands as the salt bridge...You just made a battery out of yourself!]

Microcurrents of electricity essentially cleanse the blood of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other pathogens. The added voltage of the rods also supports the body's electrical systems, strengthening the immune system and accelerating the healing process. Small electric currents stimulate the brain and improve neurological performance. It also boosts 'ATP synthesis'.


The self defense technique used with the OrgoKnight Rods is a martial art called Yawara.


Yawara is the basic list of hand techniques and includes some of the oldest forms of JuJitsu. Yawara techniques are among the first to be studied and usually the last to be fully understood and appreciated. All the basic components of a martial art are included in the practice of Yawara, such as balance, momentum and leverage, combined with the variants of timing and strength. Therein lies the essence of JuJitsu, extreme gentleness balanced by a potentially severe destructiveness, which requires a student's utmost concentration and attention to detail.


Don’t be mislead into believing that Yawara techniques are rather benign. Every Yawara technique contains elements that can be developed into very devastating techniques of self-defense.

To the beginner, Yawara teaches the relation between physical movement and mental intention. An action is no longer an isolated process, it involves the whole body. It is a process that has the potential to create both emotional and physical unity with an opponent, a prerequisite for the most efficient conflict management.

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Health Benefits

1. Transdermal copper and zinc. Both minerals are absorbed into the skin and bloodstream through the hands. This causes the body to produce cooper/zinc superoxide dismutase, which has been found in ancient Egyptian mummy DNA. Superoxide dismutase is one of the most powerful antioxidants. A natural anti-aging enzyme. 

Click Here!

2. Microcurrent. Holding two different metals in the hands creates what is called a microcurrent. Microcurrent has multiple health benefits. Microcurrent also initiates the neuromodulation process. 

Click Here!

3. When metals are in contact with nonmetals, 'ionic bonding' occurs in which the metal gives electrons to the non metal. Ionic bonding creates negative ions. 

4. Copper, zinc AND microcurrent are top nootropics and not only repair but improve the brain structure and performance. 

Click Here!

5. Zinc is a natural steroid and testosterone booster. Superoxide dismutase increases ATP synthesis (muscle recovery & healing) by 400-500% Click Here!

The OrgoKnight Rods provide transdermal copper & zinc, which helps the body create 'Superoxide Dismutase'. This is a powerful chemical compound against ALL disease and illness. 

You will have access to electrotherapy, but NEVER need batteries, plus you will have an UNLIMITED supply of copper and zinc. 

Machette VanHelsing Rods & Stones

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When it comes to my builds, what I carry and where I get my parts, I tend to stay hands on.


Most of the time I go to crystal shops in Manhattan NY or Different places in North Carolina. I try not to order my crystals online. 

When it comes to finding parts, well, that depends on my 'imagination'. A true Djedi builds his light tool based on what he can see in his mind. The light tool is supposed to be created by the mind and spirit. The body is what you use to bring it into physical reality. Therefore, I either find the parts I can see in my head or I create them.

I treat the creation of my rods, staves and other light tools like an adventure. I like to go out to different places to find parts. Light tools are to be taken seriously and are not toys or props. The adventure is well worth it. 


More Scientific Proof  
[Enhanced Physical Strength, Hyper-Focus And Clarity, Reverse Aging, Immunity & More! ]


Bioelectric Amplification & Enhancement

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Ok so let me explain FULLY what these rods are and do. I'm going to explain in PLAIN ENGLISH with scientific support behind everything I say.

First is the 'Human Battery Experiment'. This is normally conducted by CHILDREN at science fairs. When two different metals are connected to a voltmeter, then a human places the right hand on one metal, the left hand on the other metal, an increase in voltage is seen on the meter. I have not seen any meters go above 1 volt. That is to say by holding the copper and zinc rods, the voltage in our body is increased up to 1v.

This is evidence of what is called 'microcurrent'.

Our bodies have a natural electrical current that helps cells to communicate. When there is injury or disease, the electrical currents are disrupted. Without these currents, the cells cannot function properly. When cells are not functioning and communicating properly, it slows down the healing process.

Microcurrent therapy restores the electromagnetic field within your body so that the cells are back up to normal function. This speeds up healing. Microcurrent therapy has been shown to decrease pain, inflammation, and muscle spasms. It may also help with range of motion.

Microcurrent electrical therapy is also known as microamps of electrical therapy – MET for short. Current may be provided via inserted needles, hand-held probe electrodes or self-adhesive electrodes. Unlike TENS, which is thought to close the spinal gate to pain impulses so they will not ascend to the brain, MET is believed to have a strong anabolic healing response, with up to 500% increase of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) following a treatment of 1 hour or less.

ATP Synthesis

Performance & Healing Enhancement


ATP is the vital energetic “currency” of all living things, including micro-organisms. Viruses also energetically require sufficient ATP levels, for replication in host cells.

In summary, ATP energetically “fuels” most cellular processes, including metabolism, active transport, intracellular signaling, as well as DNA, RNA and protein synthesis. Therefore, it is perhaps surprising that nutrient fasting and/or caloric restriction are believed to be one of the best strategies for extending both health span and lifespan, as evidenced by studies using model organisms.

Biologically, in living cells, in order to maintain normal physiology and organismal homeostasis, active transport is necessary to move molecules directionally and vectorially, against the concentration gradient, from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration. This process of active transport also involves energy expenditures, in the form of ATP.


The mitochondria are your cell’s energy powerhouse. They burn fat and glucose molecules into energy (ATP). Aside from producing energy, your mitochondria are also responsible for detecting threats and coordinating the cellular threat response. 

High oxidative stress can result in sluggish mitochondria that cannot produce energy efficiently, and thus, a poorly fueled cell. 

Most people suffer from a lot of oxidative stress. Toxic exposure and mental-emotional stress can make it worse. These are especially problematic if your body doesn’t have enough antioxidants to counteract these. 

The ATP produced by your mitochondria is critical for muscle recovery and injury healing. Therefore, mitochondrial dysfunction is the #1 factor inhibiting your recovery from physical exertion and injuries. They may even cause chronic pain. In fact, most biohacks that help with these processes work by jumpstarting the mitochondria.



Brain Enhancement/ Nootropics


Research has also shown that microcurrent causes 'neuromodulation' to occur. The difference in using the rods is that the current comes from the hands and travels throughout the body inevitably reaching the brain. Holding rods for hours versus a 30-45 minute session of electrotherapy pretty much puts the Orgoknight rods at the same amount of weeks for results or faster. 

Neuromodulation is technology that acts directly upon nerves. It is the alteration—or modulation—of nerve activity of the brain by delivering electrical or pharmaceutical agents directly to a target area.

Neuromodulation devices and treatments are life changing. They affect every area of the body and treat nearly every disease or symptom from headaches to tremors to spinal cord damage to urinary incontinence. With such a broad therapeutic scope, and significant ongoing improvements in biotechnology, it is not surprising that neuromodulation is poised as a major growth industry for the next decade.

Most frequently, people think of neuromodulation in the context of chronic pain relief, the most common indication. However, there are a plethora of neuromodulation applications, such as deep brain stimulation (DBS) treatment for Parkinson's disease, sacral nerve stimulation for pelvic disorders and incontinence, and spinal cord stimulation for ischemic disorders (angina, peripheral vascular disease).

Transdermal Therapy


Additionally, holding the rods after the hands start sweating or after wetting the hands with water, the palms start absorbing the metals through the hands. In this particular case, we are discussing copper and zinc.

Absorbing vitamins, minerals, herbs or pharmaceuticals through the skin is called 'transdermal therapy'. Therefore, the health benefits of copper and zinc are received by holding the rods.

You may think of copper as something to do with wiring and electronics, but it's also an important mineral that you take into your body when you eat some types of seafood, nuts, veggies, fruit, and other foods. You need it for growth and your overall health.

Copper plays a part in many of your body's organs and systems. It helps you:

• Make red blood cells

• Keep nerve cells healthy

• Support your immune system

• Form collagen, a protein that helps make up your bones and tissues

• Protect cells from damage

• Absorb iron into your body

• Turn sugar into energy

Copper is a vital part of the healing process and ensures better wound healing. It acts as an extremely good immunity booster, and also works as a cure for anemia, which indirectly allows your body to defend itself from infection and heal faster. It is a co-factor in various enzymatic processes that result in endothelial growth or the healing process of tissue. 

Copper is widely known as a 'Nootropic'/ brain enhancer, which is why foods rich in this element are often classified as “Brain Foods”. However, copper content in the diet has to be in sufficient proportions, because too much of it is also not healthy for the brain. It has a control function to play in the brain, so the amount of copper supplementation has to be balanced. It has been associated directly with higher thought processes, particularly in relation to the impact of its transporter protein, Atp7a. Studies have shown a direct link between its content within the brain and creative or out of the box thinking, showing that it enables neural pathways to develop in unique ways.

Zinc is a unique element with antioxidant properties necessary for the activity of over 100 enzymes and a wide range of critical functions in your body. These include cellular metabolism, protein synthesis, the creation of DNA, immune function, vision, and your senses of taste and smell, to name a few. Zinc also supports a healthy pregnancy and key features of growth and development. 


Additionally, zinc is a NATURAL STEROID which is a relief for athletes and bodybuilders. 

Zinc is a trace element that is ALSO a natural 'Nootropic/ brain enhancer that initiates the creation of new neurons in your brain's hippocampus. The hippocampus is like a temporary hard drive that stores your memories, emotions, and other sensations.

The hippocampus isn't a long-term storage facility for memories, as its main role is developing them. It does this by synthesizing your memories, emotions, and other sensations together, which is why you may feel a pang of guilt when thinking about a past mistake or a boost in your mood when smelling a familiar scent from childhood. After memories are developed in the hippocampus, they are later transferred to long-term memory during sleep. 

The trace metal ion zinc is one of the most prevalent and essential elements that are involved in brain function, and it plays a role in both physiological and pathophysiological processes. Neurons containing “free ionic zinc” (Zn2+) are found in various areas of the brain, including the cortex, amygdala, olfactory bulb, and hippocampal neurons, which appear to have the highest concentration of zinc in the brain. Zinc has been implicated in the biological activity of enzymes, proteins, and signal transcription factors, as well as in the maintenance of various homeostatic mechanisms, acting as structural, regulatory, and catalytic cofactors for a variety of enzymes, such as DNA and RNA polymerases, histone deacetylases, and DNA ligases. Zinc is also important for cell growth and genomic stability

As a neuromodulator, zinc performs various physiological functions. Zinc is essential for regulating cell proliferation in several ways, including the hormonal regulation of cell division. In addition, zinc represents a molecular signal to immune cells and transcription factors that are involved in the expression of inflammatory cytokines. Zinc supplementation studies have shown decreased infection rates and inflammatory cytokine production. Furthermore, zinc has a metal binding ability, and it is well known for its antioxidant properties. Zinc is a redox inert metal that acts as an antioxidant through the catalysis of copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase, the protection of the protein sulfhydryl group, and the upregulation of metallothionein (MT) expression

Superoxide Dismutase


But something interesting happens in the body when copper and zinc are used as supplements, whether transdermal or not. The body uses copper and zinc to create 'superoxide dismutase'.


Superoxide dismutase is an antioxidant enzyme found in almost all living cells. It has the largest catalytic efficiency of any known enzyme. Catalytic efficiency means that it creates a more efficient and quicker chemical reaction.

SOD enzymes destroy harmful free radicals inside our bodies that are formed from stressful events and also destroy those free radicals formed during normal metabolic cell processes. Scientists have discovered that as humans age, SOD levels drop while free radical levels increase. 


Superoxide Dismutase acts enzymatically to repair cells and reduce the damage done to them by superoxide, the most common free radical in the human body.

SOD enzymes are dependent on minerals, especially zinc, copper, and manganese. If we run low on any of these minerals, it could lead to a deficiency of SOD inside our bodies.

SOD is considered to be an anti-aging enzyme. The free radical theory of aging was proposed by Derham Harman. It postulated that oxygen free radicals generated in metabolic pathways result in age-related deterioration through oxidative damage to biomolecules, with mitochondria being the main target of attack. Accumulation of oxidative damage is considered to be one of the key mechanisms of aging. It has been suggested that novel SOD mimetics may be useful in attenuating aging-induced cognitive impairments and other aspects of physiological decline with aging.

SOD can be used in treating various diseases resulting from oxidative stress:

The Anti-Aging Enzyme




The rods I build are filled with 'orgonite'. 

The good news that Orgone is not a recent garage-lab pseudoscience, it has been studied for many years and is written about by many experts and professionals.

To have a better understanding of Orgone one can start with Wilhelm Reich's books - they are easy to come by and packed with information on Orgone. He is the originator of the word "Orgone" - though many cultures have called the same energy by a different name throughout the years (prana, chi, mana, life force).

Orgone was a term coined by Wilhem Reich. A student and assistant to Sigmund Frued. His studies with Freud lead him to become one of the most revolutionary psychiatrist in sexual and human behavior studies. His views where taboo and very controversial. While studying the human orgasm, Reich noticed there was a palpable energy from climaxing. Reich learned that the orgasm was measurable calling it bioelectricity or bion. Later to be coined Orgone . Orgone is considered to be chi, prana, or even life force in the metaphysical community . In terms of science Orgone is anions- Negative ions. This is very confusing for some because things that are negative are usually considered bad or harmful. Ions are charged positive, negative or neutral. Each is important in its own way. We are literally surrounded and invaded by these very small waves all day long. 


Ions are the building blocks of atoms and thus are used in the cellular system of any biological organism and none-biological forms. With the rapid growth of technology, positive ions are in abundance. The electrical systems and motors we use break these ions up and produce what some may call a type of free radical. Free radicals are none-bond pairs of ions. They use bonded or healthy atoms to feed their none charge, weakening the healthy cells. Kind of like a vampire uses live blood to fuel their dead life. These positive ions pull from your energy fields and other various fields. This is why it is said that they are harmful in such high doses. 


Negative Ions are extremely useful for biological life. As they pass through or "wrap around" cells and give them a boost. Thus life give in a manner. Naturally negative Ions are produced by the movement of waters, ie rivers the crashing waves or even carried salt in the winds. This is why salt lamps and salt rooms are beneficial. You're depleted from stress, work, current technology or any of the many riggers of life daily. 


Negative ions are called into the body via a natural energy pull produced by your biological life. Some credit orgone with a consciousness and pushing it's field on to people. This is not what I theorize, as the body is naturally looking for and pulling in negative ions all the time.


You are a natural orgone generator. But most of us are not balanced enough to replenish our own chi/life force with out the help outside forces. Side note there are "healers" who are not aware of this force in it's entirety and will "heal" people of their "negative" vibrations and this can produce unhelpful side effects by removing your negative ion field from around you. 


Now on to how Orgonite works and how it came about. Orgonite is made of organic (carbon base form) and an-organic (non-carbon forms, IE-metals and stones) that have been compressed in a layered matrix together. Weirch did not create the resin based orgonite that we see so much today. It was a student of his teachings Karl Hans Welz that coined the word orgonite. Don and Carol Croft claim to spear head of adding quartz crystals to the matrix. Although neither claim to be the first people to have created this style of device . They shared this and helped it to become mainstream. 


In fact some say it was Franz Bardon who initally came up with the formula of resin and metal based devices. Franz Bardon was a hermetic practitioner. This to is unsubstantiated as further studying shows many others to have very similar practices.





The OrgoKnight Rods have magnets within the orgonite mix. 

Static field magnetic therapy is the most well-known form of biomagnetic therapy. It involves placing magnets in contact with the skin and has led to the production of magnetic bracelets, jewelry, and special mattress pads. Electromagnetic therapy uses electrically charged therapeutic magnets, which form an electromagnetic field.

Theories behind magnetic therapy cite the way that molecules have their own small magnetic fields created by the small electric charge inherent to these molecules. Certain conditions may cause imbalances in this magnetic field. By applying magnetic therapy, you may be able to reharmonize the body’s electromagnetic field and improve your health.

Alternately, molecules carry charged ions, like calcium and potassium, that are necessary for proper signaling and communication between cells. The use of a magnetic therapy device may alter the way that these ions operate, potentially boosting certain biological functions.


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Holding/Squeezing the rods applies pressure to the acupressure points in the palms, providing these health benefits as well.


What is acupressure?

Acupressure is a type of massage in which pressure is placed on the specific bodily sites to promote healing, alleviate fatigue, etc.

It is used in some kinds massage therapy like the Japanese practice “Shiatsu.” 

The tips of the fingers

The hand chart identifies the tips of the fingers with the head and brain area. Starting from the pinky finger, pinch all over the uppermost segment of all the fingers one by one for about 20 seconds. The pinch technique should use the thumb and forefinger of the other hand.

Do not forget to do this, on the other hand, as well. So, for all head related ailments, like headache or stress, stimulation of these points will provide the desired effect.

Interestingly the fleshy center part of the thumb houses the points for Pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands. These glands are related to the hormonal secretion and balance in the body. Insomnia and such other hormone-related disorder can be set right by stimulating the fleshy part of the thumb.

The part of the finger, between the first and second knuckles

This part of the digits represents the neck. The corresponding part of the thumb, however, represents the throat.

With the thumb and forefinger of the other hand press, massage all over this segment of the finger. Massage the thumbs as well. Repeat this with the fingers of the other hand also.

This stimulation is very beneficial in a stiff neck, the tension in the neck or pain in the neck.

The part of the fingers between the second and third knuckles

This part of the digits represents the eyes and the ears. Use the thumb and forefinger to stimulate this part by press-release technique.

The tiredness of eyes, pain, or any other discomfort of the eye will be alleviated. Similarly, the ringing of the ears, stuffiness of ear, and such other ear-related issues will subside with this massage.

Till now, we focused on the fingers and the reflexological points therein. The co-relation with the body parts was also enumerated.

Reflexological points on the palms

The reflexological points on the palms are

The fleshy uppermost part of the palm where the fingers join the palm

This fleshy part at the junction of the finger and palm represents the chest, breast, lungs, and bronchial area. It is true in the case of all the finger and palm junction.

The exception being that the fleshy part just below the pinky finger represents the shoulder along with arm on that side. On the left hand, it will be for left shoulder and left arm and similarly on the right hand, for right shoulder and right arm.

I think that it would be interesting at this point to take a look at the word BIONIC. The ancient Egyptians were in my opinion 'super people', but scientifically they were AT LEAST 'bionic' men, women and children.

Definition of bionic


1: of or relating to bionics

2: having normal biological capability or performance enhanced by or as if by electronic or electromechanical devices

(which the Orgoknight Rods most certainly are, in more ways than one.)

Djedi Tour of Ancient Egypt

© 2015 The OrgoKnights Guild. All rights reserved

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