OrgoKnight Rods
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Here is what makes the OrgoKnight Rods so powerful and VERY VERY REAL. Kirlian technology gives us the ability to take pictures of energy fields coming from various objects. This is also where the idea of "Light Sabers" comes from. The photographs below are Kirlian images from orgonite, human fingers, a Quarter (zinc, copper, nickel) and quartz crystal. Now although the concept of 'light sabers' is a bit exaggerated, the energy that emits from the OrgoKnight Rods is indeed a REAL beam of light. OrgoKnight Masters create their own rods and train students in metaphysics, alchemy and natural science before they learn about the construction of OrgoKnight Rods. The energy emitted from the rods vary in color, brightness, length and width based on the materials used and the energy level of the creator. This is best understood by studying the human aura.
In the days of the ancients,
when the Gods of Creation walked the Earth,
they used harmonic rods for communication, ...
healing and manifesting thought into reality.
Tuning forks, Harmonic Rods or Wands, and staves were used in conjunction with electromagnetic energies by ancient Egyptians, alchemists, priests, and gods. If used properly they can move and manifest objects, move between realities, and heal.
Rods / wands & staves were used by the Ancient Egyptians and other key players in the program such as Thoth, Moses and Merlin - to create magic and illusion.
Rods use electromagnetic energy to align and adjust the program's matrix, alter reality and manipulate matter.
Humans are also created by electromagnetic energies - the aura - the grid matrix that surrounds each of us - frequencies of sound, light, and color - projected illusion - virtual reality.
With the OrgoKnight Rods you attract that which you wish to experience into your matrix/ reality.
To reach the level of Thoth, Merlin and other masters - you must study and practice the art of DNA activation.
The rods work with the electromagnetic energies
that create realities into physical manifestation.
Their harmonic tones and frequencies
resonate throughout the hologram of reality
working as the tuning forks of manifestation.
Archeologists found in the catacombs of Rome a drawing of Jesus holding a rod of power when raising Lazarus from the dead , showing that Christ and the Apostles understood the mysteries of nature and the power of rods in particular.
The Bible records that just before Jesus raised Lazarus, he “lifted up his eyes” to the sun and prayed. The rod is a symbol of the life force, which every Egyptian god, gods from Babylonia, India and Peru are shown wielding in paintings and wall carvings.
We have no depictions of Jesus before the 3rd century AD. However, the first depictions we find of him clearly shows him using a wand when performing miracles - he uses the wand to change water to wine, multiply the bread and fishes, and raise Lazarus. The non-bearded child-faced image of Jesus carrying a wand seems to have lasted until the 5th century.
The bible never mentions Jesus using a wand, in fact, many healing miracles happened by someone touching Jesus or being touched by him. However, Jesus was also called the Good Shepherd, which may have indicated that he carried a shepherd’s staff with him.
Peter was the only disciple of Jesus that was also depicted using a wand when performing certain miracles in early Christian art.
In the Old Testament Moses used a rod to separate the Red Sea, and his brother Aaron's rod also plays its part.
It makes you wonder if Jesus was a magician, and that the later Roman Holy Church suppressed this information when they tailored Christianity. Supposedly, the Templars knew this.
From the earliest periods of the Ancient Priesthood of Egypt ca. 5,500 BC, the outer walls of the sacred Temples featured images of seemingly military-style victories, representing the spiritual battle of good against evil. Archaeologists explain the traditional “royal smiting scene and its variations, shown at the Temple entrance – the origins of which may stretch back to the very beginnings of Egyptian history. … The military exploits of Egyptian kings were often depicted, for symbolic, protective purposes. … In all periods, however, the function of these scenes is largely symbolic… [for] defense of the Temple against its enemies – the forces of chaos which existed beyond the sacred precinct.” [34]
The role of the Ancient Priesthood thus inherently involved the concept of active protection of the Temple against the forces of evil, and priestly recognition and support of the necessity for vigilance and action in defense of positive values.
These victory scenes often depict angelic hawks (associated with the Angel Isis) flying over the smiting Pharaoh, carrying symbols of Holy Spirit blessings to him. This is a powerful symbolic declaration of the ancient theological doctrine that “victory in battle is granted by God”, which is implicitly based upon the doctrine that such battles (whether physical or spiritual) must be for a Holy purpose of a worthy cause.
The first etiquette book in history was the papyrus scroll entitled Instruction of Ptahhotep ca. 2,400 BC, discovered in Thebes (Luxor) [35] [36]. Even as an etiquette book for Pharaonic royalty and the Egyptian Priesthood, it mandates steadfast resistance in opposition to all forms of evil: “Keep not silence when someone says anything that is evil.” (Maxim 3) “Correct chiefly any misconduct by others. Vice must be drawn out, that virtue may remain.” (Maxim 36)
Egyptian ‘Book of the Dead’, Chapter 42, Liturgy Against Evil (ca. 1,550 BC), British Museum artifact, Papyrus No.10471-17
The Egyptian Book of Going Forth by Day (popularly called the “Book of the Dead”), which developed from the Pyramid Texts as early as 2,345 BC, was widely used as Papyrus scrolls from ca. 1,550 BC.
Scroll 42 (sometimes called “Spell 42”, meaning a “Prayer”) is a Liturgy for “preventing slaughter” by overcoming the forces of evil:
“The shambles is equipped with what you know… Thoth is the protection of all my flesh. … There are no men [or] spirits… who shall harm me. … I am he in whom is the Sacred Eye, and nothing shall come into being against me, no evil cutting off and no uproar, and there shall be no danger to me. I am he… who adjudges… I am he who protects you… My striking power is in your bellies… My name overpasses… everything evil. … I am released from all evil.” [37]
This scroll describes evil as “the shambles” of chaos of the material world “what you know”. The primary protection is “Thoth”, the Angel of knowledge associated with Hermetic wisdom, and opening one’s inner “Sacred Eye” of spiritual knowledge. In this Liturgy, the Priest(ess) reading it invokes the relevant Saints and Angels into oneself to embody their spiritual strengths, saying “I am…” The Liturgy is thus a mandate for the Priest(ess) to “judge” evil actions, to “protect” the innocent against harm, and to exercise “striking power” (whether physical or spiritual), all as necessary to overcome the forces of evil. The Angel saying “My striking power is in your bellies” means that all humans are charged to be agents of God by taking action in the world.
Therefore, in the practice of Sacred Activism, all Spiritual Seekers are fully justified, and indeed obligated, to strongly expose, resist and oppose the forces of evil, with vigilance, aggressive persistence, and when necessary even with lawful armed force. All Spiritual Seekers, as well as all of humanity, have an overriding moral and spiritual duty to actively detect, expose, denounce, condemn, boycott, resist and reject all wrongful abuses, and to exclude and impede those who would inflict harm or injustice upon others.
The word Wizard comes from those who held the Staff of Power, which was called the WSR (Wassar). Osiris was the Life Force within creation, his backbone the Djed, or Djedhi, hence the "Force" of the Jedi Knights of Star Wars. Osiris was called SR, or ASR (Ausir), as well as Wassir. The Wasser staffs were electrical conductors of power, hence the Wizzards were Wassirs or Osiris' using WSR Wands for their Hex's (hexagon), in Egyptian Heku.
Unknown Source
The main tenet of the Star Wars universe is completion of the circle or finding the balance between good and evil. It is a metaphor for knowing whether you are on the wrong side and whether you are becoming destructive.
Ironically enough, the idea of completing the circle with ritual and of finding balance in awareness was known in ancient Egypt as raising the Djed.
The purpose of the ritual was to preserve order and repel chaos. In order to do this there first had to be an effort to raise this "awareness’" or "Djed." Those that did this were known as "Djedi."
Archetypal symbols such as the circle, the spiral, trees, and a pillar or pole were magically and ritually employed to preserve essential order. These symbols all have a connection to the sun and worship of the Sun.
Historically, the Djed was raised at crucial transitional times between cycles, evoking light and stability to dispel darkness and disorder. Such periods were the Winter solstices, the failing years of a reigning monarch or the coronation of a new one.
A tower or an obelisk that is symbolic of the connection and balance of all things in heaven and in earth now represents the Djed. We see this symbol all over the world as secret societies have used it as a backdrop for their empires.
August the 12th and 13th was the time that the Osiris Mysteries were shared and performed,
the word Wizard comes from those who held the Staff of Power, which was called the WSR (Wassar). Osiris was the Life Force within creation, his backbone the Djed, or Djedhi, hence the "Force" of the Jedi Knights of Star Wars.
Osiris was called SR, or ASR (Ausir), as well as Wassir. The Wasser staffs were electrical conductors of power, hence the Wizzards were Wassirs or Osiris' using WSR Wands for their Hex's (hexagon), in Egyptian Heku. So there is a very ancient lineage of traditions that have their Mysteries imparted on August the 12th and 13th.
Furthermore, the word Jedi recalls the Djed Eye (Jed-I), the Kemetic Third Eye of Heru,
the prototype of the character Luke Skywalker, who avenges his father's death, as Anakin Skywalker.P.E.A.C.E. Progress Everytime Afruikans Cultivate Enlightenment!
It is the 'DJED - I' ( the Rod of Power) which is the reference for 'D - JEDI'.
This energy symbol was built into the pyramid of Cheops (KHUFU) by THOTH and his co-workers. The top part ( 5 arrowed ceilings) is manifest in the Kings chamber. The Sphinx was the responsibility of Hamarkhis. The Djed-rod of power is actually the "vine" or chord to The Divine.
Originally the Djed represented Netjer: Ptah who was called "Noble Djed", but later on it came to represent Netjer: Asir. Djed pillars were painted along the bottom of the coffin to symbolize "becoming Ausar" in the after life and associating the deceased with the royal house of Khem/Kemet.
Netjer: Asir was known as the "Djedi" (see the resemblance to Jedi?). The Djedi were called "the stable ones" who were entered into the Order of Asir (see Moira Timms Djed History).
As she says they are the "wisdom keepers" being the physical representation of Asir on Ta/Earth. The Djedi come forth during the changing of the cycles (sun cycle, moon cycle...) in means to stabilize a chaotic planet & set everything to order before the coming or with the coming of the "New Age". As the celestial Asir resurrects so must the physical Djedi (Asir-ites) come forth...To Be Continued Ptah-Un-Nefer
Consider the tale, first written down in the XVIIth Dynasty from a Middle Kingdom version of a IVth Dynasty original , of Prince Radjedef, the Djedi and King Khufu.
The King and his four sons are relaxing at the palace telling stories of famous magicians. Radjedef tops them all by announcing that he knows of a living magician equal to those of the past. Khufu is interested and Radjedef tells him of the Djedi, or stable one, who is apparently ageless and knows many things, including "the shrines of the secret chambers of the enclosure of Tehuti."
Now Khufu is really interested, because the King "had spent much time in seeking for himself these secret chambers of the enclosure of Tehuti to fashion for himself their likeness for his horizon." Khufu dispatches Radjedef to bring the Djedi back to the palace. He returns with the Djedi, who quickly charms and awes the court with his magickal abilities. Then the King comes to the point: "Now, as for the rumor that you know the number of the shrines of the secret chamber of the enclosure of Tehuti...?" Djedi says that he does not, although he knows where that information can be found. "There is a box of flint in a chamber called the Revision of On: in that box." The Djedi claims that he cannot recover this information, but the eldest of the triplets then in the womb of the wife of the high priest of "Re, Lord of Sakhbu," will discover the information and found a new Dynasty.
Osiris "Djedi" was a title of Osiris, as the Great One, 8 Lord of the Universe (the universal, Self-generating life principle of the Center--i.e. the transcendent Self).
The "Djedi" were the "stable ones"--wisdom keepers of one mind and one spirit who, as initiates of the Osirian mysteries, comprised the living, terrestrial body of the archetypal, celestial Osiris. Contemporary Djedi are self-selecting regenerators of cosmos. They are those who, regardless of race or creed, are awakening to mission in service to the planet and the epochal imperatives of stability, continuity and regeneration.
Between the poles of the crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, the Spine of the Nile,
the Djed backbone of Ausir or Osiris, the Djedi Force;
between the outretched wings of the Spirit of the Winged Snake and the Winged Vulture, "Make the Two Into One".
We, too, have equal opportunity to make it or break it. The discoveries emerging from Egypt, describe the existence of a world wide pyramid temple system in prehistory, mounted like antennae on the key energy meridians, which were employed by ancient priest- scientists as a musical system to stabilize the tectonic plates of the planet... cataclysmic geology at it's finest.
From the mother tongue word JEDAIAH, meaning "the way of the Word" or "the power of the Word",
the ancient JEDAI (is this where Lucas got his inspiration for the Jedi knights?) priests used the language of Light to tune the planet like a giant harmonic bell.
There are seven planes of existence, the lowest being the physical plane, the plane of the material-superficial world, a world in which most of us find ourselves trapped, unable to transcend carnal desires. The seven planes are associated with the seven chakras located in the body from the torso to the top of the dome or the head. These are vital centers, where electromagnetic waves resonate throughout the upper portions of the body. The sixth chakra is the Third Eye, which is located between the eyebrows,
The headgear of the Pharaoh is the serpent or snake, which is lined in perfect accord with the Third Eye. The reason being is because the snake represents an electromagnetic energy flow which resonates in the brain at the Third Eye level. In other words, a snake travels in a zigzag motion, which is equivalent to the way energy waves travel throughout the seven chakras of the body.
Osiris "Djedi" was a title of Osiris, as the Great One,8 Lord of the Universe (the universal, Self-generating life principle of the Center--i.e. the transcendent Self). The "Djedi" were the "stable ones"--wisdom keepers of one mind and one spirit who, as initiates of the Osirian mysteries, comprised the living, terrestrial body of the archetypal, celestial Osiris
The Order of the Temple of Solomon, as the direct continuation of the historical Knights Templar, has preserved the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, which includes the most ancient Magi Priesthood of the Biblical Melchizedek.
The Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek within the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon is compatible with the practices of Reformed Catholicism. This more ancient part of the Solomonic Priesthood is rooted in the Egyptian Djedhi Priesthood as the earliest foundations of Christianity, as practiced by the 12th century Templars within Roman Catholicism. It includes elements which later became 15th century Rosicrucianism as Gnostic Protestantism, and 16th century Hermetic Theosophy as part of Liberal Catholicism.
The Melchizedek Priesthood is the Gnostic tradition within the Templar Priesthood as a denomination of “Solomonic Christianity”. Although it is part of the heritage of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, this is an optional and separate specialty, and is not a requirement for clergy in the Solomonic Priesthood. Thus, Templar clergy can choose their individual preference for either classical Christianity, or the most ancient origins of Christianity.
The Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek, preserved within the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, integrates a combination of priesthoods from the earliest times of antiquity, which contribute multiple sources of ecclesiastical authority to the Order.
The Melchizedek tradition continued through 7 primary sources of Magistral Succession since ca. 10,068 BC:
(1) original Biblical Melchizedek Magi Kings from ca. 10,068 BC;
(2) ancient Persian Magi “Nart” Knights from ca. 10,068 BC;
(3) ancient Egyptian Djedhi Magi Priests from 5,500 BC;
(4) ancient Sumerian Magi Fisher Priests from 3,500 BC;
(5) the Essenes ca. 250 BC through the Holy See of Antioch ca. 33 AD;
(6) original Al-Banna Magi Sufi Order from 825 AD; and
(7) original Syrian Hashashin Sufi Order from 1080 AD.
This priestly authority is supported by an additional 7 sources of Apostolic Succession of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, which includes the more ancient Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek.
All 14 sources of priestly and ecclesiastical authority constitute direct lines of initiatory succession, each additionally perfected by authenticity of doctrinal succession. This establishes a substantial level of ecclesiastical authority, meeting the general standards of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches under traditional Canon Law.
As a result, the Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek of the Templar Order (as restored from the 12th century) is genuinely the direct continuation of the 12,000 year old Priesthood of the Biblical Melchizedek, possibly the oldest ecclesiastical authority in recorded human history.
The Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, as restored by the 12th century Knights Templar, includes the priestly heritage of the Biblical Magi, including the legendary “Magi of the East” believed to visit upon the birth of Christ.
As established by the historical record (and confirmed by archaeology and authoritative academia), this consists of the most ancient institutional Priesthood in known human history, carrying an original spiritual tradition of over 12,000 years, dating back to ca. 10,068 BC.
The Temple of Solomon, first archaeologically excavated by the founding Knights Templar, was fundamentally Pharaonic Egyptian, thereby also preserving the most ancient esoteric knowledge derived from earlier Sumeria and Mesopotamia. This highly developed tradition embodied the timeless arts and sciences of the Eastern “Magi”, represented by the revered Biblical figure of the Priest-King Melchizedek. At the core of the secrets of the Temple is the ancient Egyptian “Benu bird” of spiritual alchemy, which was later called the “Phoenix”.
The guardians of this mystery school throughout many millennia of human history were essentially “warrior priest kings”, thus being the earliest form of “noble warrior monks”, and the direct predecessors of the medieval Knights Templar. Under the sovereign patronage of King Fulk of Jerusalem, the first Templars discovered, learned and mastered the ancient esoteric tradition, becoming the embodiment and continuation of this most ancient sacred Order. Although the Order had many names over many millennia, the Biblical concept given as its ecclesiastical name is the “Order of Melchizedek”.
The significance of archaeological findings by the first Templars was characterized by connecting the roots of Christianity to ancient history of Pharaonic Egypt and even earlier ancient Mesopotamia. The Biblical source of all ancient origins of Judeo-Christianity is that of King Melchizedek from the Old Testament (Genesis 14:18-20), who blesses Abraham, and whose priesthood reappears in the New Testament. Melchizedek is also a key figure in historical Templar mythology, spirituality and symbolism, representing those most ancient roots.
The name Melchizedek comes from the ancient words “Melek Zedek”, which meant “King of Peace”. The name of the Biblical King Solomon comes from the word “Shalom” meaning “Peace”. Thus, Melchizedek and Solomon were both “King of Peace”, and Melchizedek is the ancient precursor and prior source of priesthood for the Biblical figure of Solomon.
Therefore, the deeper founding roots of the Order of the Temple of Solomon indicate that fundamentally, in its origins, it is really the “Order of Melchizedek”, an ancient esoteric and priestly tradition that was rediscovered by the first Knights of Solomon under the Temple of Solomon.
The Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek preserved by the Knights Templar, as part of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, directly connects the Order with the oldest civilizations, the ancient Pharaonic Egyptian Priesthood (including the Djedhi guardian priests), the Priesthoods of the Biblical King Melchizedek and King Solomon, as well as the Essenes (who recorded the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi Scrolls, including the Lost Gospels and the Book of Enoch).
This lineage of priestly succession also connects the Templar Priesthood with some of the most important leaders of civilization in human history, including King Khufu (architect of the Great Pyramid of Egypt), Amenhotep III (father of Queen Nefirtiti and grandfather of King Tutankhamen), Sheshonq I (who returned the Ark of the Covenant from the Temple of Solomon to Egypt), and Cleopatra (High Priestess of Isis).
This ecclesiastical heritage of the original Knights Templar is the most ancient Priesthood, predating and underlying all Churches, carrying the most sacred knowledge which is literally the very foundation of Christianity, unifying all Christian denominations, and connecting Christianity to other venerable world religions.
The famous Templar stronghold of Chartres Cathedral in France, designed and built by the Templars, features an Old Testament scene of Melchizedek presenting the holy sacrament of communion to Abraham with a chalice (Genesis 14:18-20). This scene, prominently displayed by the Templars as a statue at the northern entrance named the “Gate of the Initiates”, signifies that the ancient figure of Melchizedek is at the heart of the esoteric mysteries known by the highest level of Templar initiates. [1]
During early medieval times, the esoteric knowledge and mysticism of the Melchizedek tradition was largely preserved in the occult societies of the Middle East, connected to the ancient Egyptian priesthood, and embodying ancient Sumerian and Mesopotamian mystery schools.
As a result of their perpetual wisdom-seeking during Middle Eastern missions, the Templars “were strongly influenced by both the Gnostics and the Assassins (… Arabic military order). It is a fact that several of the founders of the Knights Templars were initiates in the sect of the Assassins.” While adopting many religious beliefs from the Gnostics, the Templars “received many of their organizational and political traits from the Assassins. The Templars represented the first wide-scale attempt to organize and mobilize the forces of occultism” to promote the forces of good over evil throughout the world. [2]
The Templars were also greatly influenced by the Isma’ilis, who were a secret sect of Gnostic Muslims. According to the historian S. Ameer Ali, an Indian lawyer whose ancestry traces back to Imam Ali Al-Raza and Muhammad: “From the Isma’ilis the Crusaders borrowed the conception which led to the formation of all the secret societies, religious and secular, of Europe. … The Knights Templar especially, with their system of grand masters, grand priors and religious devotees, and their degrees of initiation, bear the strongest analogy to the Eastern Isma’ilis.”
Researchers closely link the Arabic mysticism of the Ismailis to Gnosticism. “Ismai’ili theology was thus revelationary in character. The haqa’iq transcended human reason and ultimately derived from Gnostic doctrines”. [3]
Both the Assassins and Ismailis were branches of the Gnostic Sufis, who actively practiced spiritual alchemy, and in turn preserved more ancient Magi priesthoods from Pharaonic Egypt and earlier Mesopotamia.
The Sufi priests were direct lineal descendants from the Djedhi priesthood of Egypt, which was the elite group of Magi High Priests, who were guardians and protectors of esoteric knowledge and spiritual wisdom, and thus an earlier model of “Knights” as “spiritual warriors”. Old Kingdom 4th Dynasty papyrus scrolls, dated ca. 2,550 BC (which were recopied for preservation during the 17th Dynasty ca. 1,560 BC), contain historical accounts of “Prince Ra-Djed-Ef” of the elite Djedhi Priests being sought by the Pharaoh King Khufu, who is associated with designing and building the Great Pyramid.
The Djedhi Priests, in turn, were direct descendants from even earlier Magi from “Persia”, being ancient Mesopotamia. The Mesopotamian Magi High Priests, called “Narts”, were established by King Jamshid of the first Persian kings, during the Persian Golden Age, which historians have dated to as early as 10,068 BC. The Narts were Magi “warrior priests” under the most famous King Key-Khosrow, who is considered by historians to be the legendary and literary basis for many of the Arthurian tales, often called the “Persian King Arthur”. The Narts also had a Holy Grail, called the “Nartmongue”, literally the “Chalice of the Knights”. The word “Narts” is very likely to be the origin of the Old English word “Knights”.
According to the Sufi scholar and historian Idries Shah (1924-1996), as soon as the Sufis learned that the first Knights Templar were excavating the Temple of Solomon, those Magi (from the Al-Banna sect) immediately left Egypt to join the Templars in Jerusalem. The Sufi Magi extensively taught and trained the first Templars during their formative years underneath the Temple Mount. They knew that the Temple of Solomon was Pharaonic Egyptian and connected to the Djedhi priesthood of Magi, and knew that the Templars would need some direct assistance to learn and master the sacred knowledge that the Knights would discover there. [4]
Later when the Templars were more widely established, having fortresses in Syria as well, the Grand Master of the Al-Banna Sufi Magi, Dhul-Nun Al-Misri, visited and brought Magi masters to the Templar castles in Syria to reinforce their training and perfect their mastery of the most ancient Magi Priesthood. Additionally, the Grand Master of the Assassins, Rashid al-Din Sinan of Syria (1132-1192 AD) provided extensive cooperation and Magi training of the Templars in the nearby Assassin castles in Syria. The historical record indicates that the Templars even had an affectionate nickname for the Assassin Grand Master, known as a Magi “ascended master”, calling him “Old Man of the Mountains”.
During the 18th century, George Frederick Johnson, a Scottish mason exiled in France, developed and helped popularize many historical interpretations emphasizing that the Templars were not merely warrior-monks, but also “enlightened and wise knightly seers, who had used their sojourn in the East to recover its profoundest secrets, and to emancipate themselves from medieval Catholic” influence. [5]
The Knights Templar are famous for having built the great cathedrals of Europe. Lesser known is the fact that the medieval Templars attributed their unique Gothic technology to instructions of secret building techniques which they found while excavating the Temple of Solomon. The related methods of stained glass used in the cathedrals also came from those secret Gothic techniques, which had been perfected by the Assassin founding Grand Master Hasan Bin Sabah. [6]
OrgoKnight Rods
Created By Machette VanHelsing
Excavated pair of ancient Djedi Rods now kept in a museum
In the days of the ancients,
when the Gods of Creation walked the Earth,
they used harmonic rods for communication, ...
healing and manifesting thought into reality.
Tuning forks, Harmonic Rods or Wands, and staves were used in conjunction with electromagnetic energies by ancient Egyptians, alchemists, priests, and gods. If used properly they can move and manifest objects, move between realities, and heal.
Rods / wands & staves were used by the Ancient Egyptians and other key players in the program such as Thoth, Moses and Merlin - to create magic and illusion.
Rods use electromagnetic energy to align and adjust the program's matrix, alter reality and manipulate matter.
Humans are also created by electromagnetic energies - the aura - the grid matrix that surrounds each of us - frequencies of sound, light, and color - projected illusion - virtual reality.
With the OrgoKnight Rods you attract that which you wish to experience into your matrix/ reality.
To reach the level of Thoth, Merlin and other masters - you must study and practice the art of DNA activation.
The rods work with the electromagnetic energies
that create realities into physical manifestation.
Their harmonic tones and frequencies
resonate throughout the hologram of reality
working as the tuning forks of manifestation.
The New
There are many that use the word 'Djedi', but few have knowledge of the ancient order and practice as a whole. This is why I feel the need to train a new order of Djedi.
My goal is to restore the ancient Djedi order. The universe needs the Djedi to rise again.
~Machette VanHelsing
As seen above, metals, crystals, and other materials emit light which looks like electricity and flames combined. This is the special effect shown by lightsabers in Star Wars. Although the energy does indeed emit from the OrgoKnight Rods, it is not visible to the human eye. The pair shown to the left I created and own. The exact art of creating these rods is a secret kept by the OrgoKnights. The reason is that we have found records of these tools being so powerful that the art of their creation cannot fall into the wrong hands.
What CAN be mentioned here is that we use 'orgone materials' as the base filling of his rods. This is due to the fact that the amazing feats achieved by the ancient Egyptians matches up with the effects of orgone devices.
This particular pair has small free energy devices inside of them, making these rods VERY POWERFUL. Orgone materials, magnets, crystals, powdered crystal, and other materials are used to create OrgoKnight rods and staves. I add tourmaline stones to all of my new creations.
I have been contacted by many spiritual teachers and given the task of restoring the Djedi order. All who are led to join us are welcome. The OrgoKnights are a new Djedi order and I know there has to be others out there.