"Healing With The Power of Nature's Elements."

The 'Sensei Cleanse'
As a result of over 20 years in natural medicine and alchemy, our founder Machette VanHelsing has created the ultimate full body cleanse. By combining two of the most powerful elements, silica and carbon and carbon 60. After successfully using silica as a detox and anti-parasite product, he found that fossil shell flour had competition. Activated charcoal had been found to be just as powerful and provided a different list of health benefits. Therefore combining the two was inevitable. Diatomaceous Earth comes from freshwater lakes and charcoal comes from fire. The Yin and the Yang. A perfect combo. Next, due to his rigorous research into C60 the idea came upon Machette to add extra carbon to the mix! This formula is by far the best cleanse one can use. The cool part is that anyone can research these three elements and realize themselves how powerful Sensei Cleanse is.
Being in the field of Deliverance Ministry, removing negative entities is one of Machette's main priorities and parasites are on top of the list. It has been known since ancient times that the removal of parasites from the body leads to optimum health and eliminates the catalyst for many diseases. Our modern environment also exposes us to countless poisons, toxins and pathogens. All of these things attract negative entities so it was inevitable that he developed a solution to this problem.
Sensei Cleanse should be in EVERY household. In these times the public medical industry is failing and even betraying us. The pharmaceutical companies are creating poisons and passing them off as remedies. Our founder saw a need for an effective way to purify the human body using the elements provided by nature. This product is collected, encapsulated, packaged and sealed personally by Machette VanHelsing himself. Each bottle is also spiritually sealed with a prayer for healing and general wellness.
The History of Activated Charcoal
The first documented use of activated charcoal goes as far back as 3750 B.C., when it was first used by the Egyptians for smelting ores to create bronze. By 1500 B.C. the Egyptians were also using it for intestinal ailments, absorbing unpleasant odors, and for writing on papyrus. In 400 B.C. the Ancient Hindus and Phoenicians discovered the antiseptic properties of activated charcoal and began using it to purify their water. A well known practice for any long sea voyage was to store water in barrels that had been charred. By 50 A.D., leading the way for the use of activated charcoal in medicine was Hippocrates and Pliny, who began using it to treat many different ailments such as epilepsy, chlorosis, and vertigo. After the suppression of the sciences through the Dark Ages, charcoal reemerged in the 1700’s and 1800’s within the use of medical treatments - both for its absorbent properties of fluid and gases and for its disinfectant properties. Some popular uses during this time period included poultices made from charcoal and bread crumbs or yeast (favored by army and navy surgeons) as well as charcoal powders to alleviate fetid ulcers, acidity in the stomach, and even nosebleeds where subsulphate of iron had failed to do so. By the 1900’s charcoal was even starting to be sold as lozenges, biscuits, and tooth powders!

Element Source: Fire
Fossil Shell Flour
Millions of years ago, in all the waters of the earth, mircoscopic one-celled plants called diatoms took the minerals from the waters and created protective shells for themselves. Diatoms once lived in quantities far beyond the minds ability to conceive, and as they died their shells drifted to the bottom of the sea beds. In this manner, vast deposits of diatom shells were laid down. Through the history of man's existence, a wide variety of valuable uses have been found for what has come to be called "diatomaceous earth." There are now more than 1,500 ways in which man benefits from this incredible material left by diatoms, Silicon Dioxide, along with a smattering of trace minerals.
Element Source: Water
C60, otherwise known as fullerene, buckminsterfullerene or buckyballs, is a potent antioxidant featuring 60 carbon atoms (hence, its C60 name). While it is not physically reactive with any other substance, it possesses the ability to remove superoxide, the by-product of cellular metabolism which causes tissue damage. Additionally, it is thought that via the absorption of acid and hydrogen atoms which are positively charged, C60 itself acquires a positive charge that attracts mitochondria, resulting in a decline in reactive oxygen species production.
Research has also demonstrated that C60 is able to pass through lipid membranes, altering the functions of cells.
Carbon forms a vast number of compounds, more than any other element, with almost ten million compounds described to date, and yet that number is but a fraction of the number of theoretically possible compounds under standard conditions. For this reason, carbon has often been referred to as the "king of the elements".

Element Source: Classified

How Does "Sensei Cleanse' Work?
Activated charcoal works by trapping toxins and chemicals in the gut, preventing their absorption (2). The charcoal's porous texture has a negative electrical charge, which causes it to attract positively charged molecules, such as toxins and gases. This helps it trap toxins and chemicals in the gut.
Activated charcoal has powerful anti-aging properties, and studies show it prevents numerous cellular changes associated with aging. In one study, activated charcoal increased the average lifespan of older test animals by roughly 34 percent. Activated charcoal slows the rate at which the brain becomes sensitive to toxins as you age, which makes for better cognitive functioning. It also builds a better defense mechanism by improving the adaptive functioning of essential organs like the liver, kidneys, and adrenals.
The benefits of diatomaceous earth can be seen throughout the digestive system, with the composition of this material proving useful in cleansing the intestines and digestive tract. Silica can be beneficial in soaking up and sweeping away a range of heavy metals and other toxins, as well as helping to eliminate intestinal worms, intestinal parasites, and other dangerous micro-organisms. The silica in diatomaceous earth can be taken to reduce the accumulation of waste and improve gut health, with silicon dioxide found to improve gastrointestinal disorders.
The digestive benefits of diatomaceous earth help to cleanse and detoxify the human body of bad bacteria, helping you to eliminate uncomfortable bloating, excessive wind, and unwanted gas. By helping to improve healthy digestion through the removal of parasites, toxins, and other impurities, diatomaceous earth can help to ensure a functional and unburdened digestive system. Diatomaceous earth has been found to eliminate certain stored product pests such as meal worms and mites, and may play a similar role within the human digestive system.
The C60 Buckminster fullerene is a special molecule comprised of multiple carbon atoms arranged in a spectacular spherical shape. Though scientists long believed such a structure should exist in theory, it wasn’t actually discovered until 1985. There are several sizes of what has come to be known as buckyballs that differ in number of carbon atoms but the one most commonly studied has 60, hence the name c60.
Researchers have studied buckyballs extensively in the past 25 years and found that the molecules have many interesting properties, some almost magical. They have been demonstrated to exhibit the same wave-particle quantum duality as photons of light, are superconducting, and can be fashioned into single molecule transistors. Adding to their allure they have been discovered in space and occur naturally at sites of lightning strikes. Or perhaps even more important interest to us, buckyballs have biological properties. Studies have shown them to be potent antioxidants that can cross the cell membrane.
C60 has antibacterial properties, has good warming effect, improves blood circulation and metabolism, strengthens nutrition of tissues and organs. It is used in various inflammatory, skin-allergic, degenerative diseases, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, polyarthritis, with various injuries: bruises, sprains, etc. We get our C60 from a secret source, to protect our formula. Taking this mineral has metaphysical effects as well. This is where magic and medicine meet.

Alternative Medicine & Alchemy
Alchemy, magic and medicine have always been three inseparable subjects. Machette VanHelsing and the OrgoKnight alchemists use ancient texts from various regions of the globe to decide how to solve our modern medical problems.
First, the pharmaceutical companies and the public medical industry has failed and betrayed people to no end. Actually the word Pharmacy comes from the Greek word Pharmakeia, which means 'witchcraft, poisoning and sorcery'.
In these modern times, there are countless new pathogens, poisons and toxins, most of which are not natural and were not known in those times. There are many supplements and recipes for detox and cleansing, but 'Sensei Cleanse' is by far the number one cleanse and detox created!
Unknown to most is the fact that parasites are the cause of many diseases and ailments of the human body. Our team is passionate about the elimination of parasites from large to microscopic. This formula was also designed to substantially slow down aging.

If you examine the Periodic Table of Elements, there are two atoms that are different than all the rest. Silicon and carbon both exhibit the properties of life equally. They appear to be alive from a chemical point of view.
The human body is based on carbon.
On the Periodic Table, carbon and silicon are exactly one octave apart. All elements in the Periodic Table (even the synthetic ones that have a short life span) have a definitive crystalline structure, and all the crystal structures are associated with the cube.
What is meant by carbon being chemically alive is that it has the capability to form incredible links with other elements. The science of organic chemistry rotates around this fact.
Silica is silicon dioxide, a particular chemical compound that contains silicon.
Silicon does the same thing as carbon. The surface skin of the planet is from 25 to 50 miles deep; it is made of approximately 25% silicon, which has combined with virtually everything it comes in contact with; the surface shell, then, is 80% linked with silicon and it's compounds.
Computers contain carbon and silicon, the two living elements. What is happening is that carbon and silicon are attempting to communicate in a certain way with each other.

ONLY $14.57!
Get a 1 month supply of Sensei Cleanse! Quite frankly, EVERYONE needs to have at least one bottle of Sensei Cleanse in their home. It's 100% natural, has multiple uses and purposes and is guaranteed to restore your health along with the right diet regimen of course.
Want to feel like a champion again? Start using Sensei Cleanse. We want your testimonial. You WILL have one.