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Who We Are & What We Do


The Temple of Light & Life is the Headquarters of  several institutions and Branch Consulate Churches representing Our Father/ Creator in Heaven,  and his Kingdom. Our mission is to spread the knowledge and culture of the kingdom of Heaven as Ministers/ Ambassadors to alll nations and peoples on the planet (Authorized 1611 KJVB; 2 Cor. 5:20, Eph. 6:20).


"The Temple of Light & Life" is a unique and inclusive free church founded by Bishop Michael M. VanHelsing. With a steadfast commitment to upholding the standards, values, and organization of the original churches as intended, this non-denominational and unincorporated church provides a welcoming spiritual haven for all. 

A 'Free Church' refers to a religious organization that operates independently and is not affiliated with any specific denomination or religious hierarchy. It allows individuals to practice their faith in a manner that aligns with their personal beliefs and values. Here are some advantages, benefits, and potential considerations of becoming a member or affiliate of such a church in these times:


Advantages and Benefits

Flexibility and Personal Freedom: Free churches often prioritize individual freedom and spiritual exploration, allowing members to follow their own unique spiritual paths within a supportive community.

Free churches are not regulated or controlled by governments or corporations primarily due to the following reasons:

Religious Freedom: Many countries uphold the principle of religious freedom, which includes the right for individuals and groups to practice their faith without interference from the government or external entities. Free churches operate independently to exercise this freedom and maintain autonomy in their religious practices and beliefs.

Separation of Church and State: In countries where there is a clear separation of church and state, the government is prohibited from interfering in the internal affairs of religious organizations. This separation ensures that religious institutions can operate independently without undue influence or control from the government.

Nonprofit Status: Free churches often operate as nonprofit organizations, which grants them certain legal protections and benefits. Nonprofit organizations, including religious institutions, are subject to specific regulations and reporting requirements, but they are generally allowed to operate independently within the boundaries of the law.

Religious Pluralism: Many societies embrace religious pluralism, recognizing and respecting the diversity of religious beliefs and practices. Allowing free churches to operate independently contributes to the overall religious landscape and provides individuals with a range of options to explore and express their spirituality.

Inclusivity and Diversity: Free churches tend to embrace diversity and welcome individuals from various backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures, fostering an inclusive and accepting environment.

Non-Denominational Approach: By being non-denominational, free churches provide a space where individuals can worship and practice their faith without the constraints of specific religious doctrines or dogmas.

Emphasis on Cultural Ways: Free churches may celebrate and respect different cultural practices and traditions, recognizing the various paths individuals take to find spiritual fulfillment.

Holistic Approach to Well-being: Some free churches, like "The Temple of Light & Life," may offer additional services beyond traditional religious practices. For example, the negative energy and entity removal division (N.E.E.R. CORPS) can provide support in addressing environmental, physical, mental, and spiritual hazards, offering natural solutions for individuals, families, and collectives.

At the heart of our church is the belief in freedom in all facets of life, recognizing and celebrating the diverse cultural ways that individuals seek and find it. We embrace the principle that true freedom can be discovered through various paths and experiences, encouraging our congregation to explore and follow their own spiritual journey.

Our standard Book of Theology is the 1611 King James version Bible, an esteemed text "appointed to be read in churches." We draw wisdom and inspiration from its teachings, offering guidance and support to our members as they navigate their spiritual growth.

In addition to our devotion to fostering individual freedom, "The Temple of Light & Life" houses a dedicated division known as the Negative Energy & Entity Removal Division. Comprising a group of compassionate men and women, this division focuses on identifying and addressing environmental, physical, mental, and spiritual hazards that may impede personal well-being. With a commitment to natural solutions, our team works diligently to provide relief and support to individuals, families, and collectives, ensuring a harmonious and balanced existence.

"The Temple of Light & Life" takes pride in its vibrant community, where members find solace, guidance, and a sense of belonging. Our church offers a supportive network of 213 ordained ministers who are passionate about nurturing the spiritual growth and well-being of all who seek refuge.

Join us at "The Temple of Light & Life" and embark on a transformative journey centered around freedom, spiritual exploration, and the holistic betterment of individuals and communities. Together, we strive to create a sanctuary where individuals can find their own path to enlightenment, embracing the diversity of human experiences and celebrating the unity that connects us all.



The Temple of Light & Life started out as a dream. A vision from God that set our founder Michael Machette VanHelsing out on a journey that has become a worldwide movement. In noticing that most churches are incorporated, there was an apparent need and demand for someone to step up and create a REAL CHURCH. One that has God as it's creator NOT the State, one under God's jurisdiction ONLY.


We are well aware that God's children have almost nowhere to turn. That is why we created the Temple of Light & Life. Our main goal is to free as many men, women and children from worldly burdens as we possibly can. Our mission is to spread Truth, Love , Light and Life.


We have a number of programs, projects and events in place that enable us to make a big difference in the lives of individuals, families and the Earth as a whole! What started out as one man and his dream is now THOUSANDS with a mission! We have been serving God since 2008 and will continue throughout ages to come. Become an ordained clergyman/ woman or join our congregation .


Let's work together as FREE men, women and children to teach, heal, help people and cast out wickedness and all evil from our midst.

Bishop Michael M. VanHelsing

Our Bishop and spiritual leader Michael VanHelsing has an extensive background in the ministerial field. What started out as a solo paranormal investigations mission turned into 200+ ministers that are now free from the system and have the ability plus credentials to make real changes in the world. 

" I had a dream that felt like I was receiving direct orders from God. I was commanded to take care of children, start a church and to Banish Demons. Although it seemed impossible to do, I agreed to do as I was told. Also, I always wondered... If the Vatican is the Devil's house then where is the church on Earth that represented God and the Kingdom of Heaven? I couldn't find one, so I decided to CREATE IT!" ~ Michael Machette VanHelsing

To View Bishop VanHelsing's Bio CLICK HERE!


         Temple of Light & Life Treasury

Holy Order of Knights

Welcome to the Treasure In Heaven Trust.

We have created the " Treasure In Heaven Trust " as our solution to the problem of dependence on a corrupt system. A NEW system based on ancient principles had to be implemented in order to provide our ministers, congregation and associates with a place to go after freeing themselves from debt/sin and slavery.

You can now become part of a new Community Exchange system that consists of our own currency, bank and marketplace!

We named our new community currency "White Stones" and they can be exchanged for hours of labor, products, goods and/or services. For more info



The OrgoKnights Guild is our Holy order of Knights. They will defend the Temple, the Trust, mankind and the planet. They are all ordained and/ or baptized clergymen and women. 


The basis of the OrgoKnight status is the mastery of orgone energy through the use of orgonite technology. Healing, meditation, study, self defense and ministry are only a few of  an OrgoKnight's duties.



FREE ebooks and Information Packages To Assist You On Your Journey!
(Click Images to Download Books)

NOTE: I, Machette Michael VanHelsing will say this in PLAIN ENGLISH, NOT LEGALESE! The Temple of Light & Life was not created with the intent of helping criminals or the criminal minded get into or out of trouble. We are NOT responsible nor liable for the independent actions of those we Baptize and/or ordain. HOWEVER, we are in the process of creating an internal ecclesiastical tribunal to deal with those ordained and baptized through our organization and we have an ecclesiastical network of Bishops, Priests and others that will assist us in enforcing Ecclesiastical Law. There is also the eminent and sure punishment that must be decided by the Creator himself.

© 2023 by Temple of Light & Life. All rights reserved. All products & services serve as fundraisers utilized for Temple maintenance and operations.

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