Ministerial Services
The Temple of Light & Life ministry conducts a variety of religious and non religious services. Our core ministerial services include:
• Preaching the word of God• Baptizing• Offering the Sacrament of Confession for the forgiveness of sins• Offering Mass daily• Praying• Providing pastoral guidance and spiritual direction• Marriage preparation for couples and celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage• Visiting and Anointing the Sick• Leading the community in serving the poor• Commending the souls of the departed to God at funerals and accompanying the bereaved (ALL faiths are served equally.) Text or Click 'Let's Chat' to receive your free consultation!
Michael M. VanHelsing D.D.
Much of the priestly life revolves around people.
There are no two days that are the same, but here is a glimpse of what my typical day could look like.
I begin my day with morning prayer, meditation and perhaps some office work. In the afternoon, I make my visits. Then in the evening, after more prayer and supper, there is almost always some kind of investigation, meeting or prayer service.
I accompany people in very dramatic moments of their lives: the birth of a child, a wedding engagement, or even death.
There is a saying, “What a person goes through in a lifetime, a priest goes through in a day.” It’s important for me to maintain a healthy prayer life to sustain myself in the midst of these emotional events.
Being a Priest is not a 9:00am – 5:00pm job. Spiritual service is not a businesses with office hours. I am always a priest and always present.
I am preeminently a man of sacrifice. I am called to be an agent of mercy and compassion by bringing people to God and God to the people.
I am a spiritual father, mediator, provider, teacher, spiritual warrior, means of God’s mercy, bridegroom and brother. I have been given the sacred power to serve God’s people, to lead them to union with God. I do this principally by teaching the people, shepherding them through leadership, offering ministerial care and spiritual guidance. I very well can experience in just one day what some experience in their whole lifetime.
My Specialties, Duties & Services
As a Bishop, I am responsible for guiding churches or congregations in their spiritual practice.
While many religions refer to this position as a pastor, other common titles include priest, rabbi, shaman, minister and reverend. Some of my most common job duties include writing sermons, presenting educational lectures, performing sacred rites and presiding over religious ceremonies. I also counsel members of my organization when they need help in overcoming challenges.
As a Chaplain, I visit people in need of spiritual assistance and members of my congregation to provide spiritual support outside of the church.
I may make routine visits to military bases, schools, hospitals and prisons. I use my spiritual wisdom to guide and counsel individuals when they're experiencing challenging situations, such as an illness. My primary goal is to provide comfort and help people strengthen their faith. I also offer advice to help people overcome moral dilemmas.
Spiritual Writer.
As a Spiritual writer, I use my mastery of language to create materials that help others develop a deeper understanding of a specific religion, belief or practice. I write sermons, educational blog posts, spiritual books, theology texts or motivational materials. Often I use allegory to help people understand complex spiritual ideologies. Depending on the type of work I produce, I may also host book signings, teach classes or travel to attend conventions.
Motivational Speaker.
As a Motivational speaker, I often share spiritual messages with communities. I may travel to speak in front of different groups of people, present at conferences or share my wisdom through videos. I also develop educational lectures about religious texts, lead meditation practices or share stories that help people understand complex spiritual topics.
As a Naturopath, I use my knowledge of natural remedies to help patients improve their health. Also known as a naturopathic doctor or naturopathic physician, I diagnose diseases and develop holistic treatment plans.
Some tools I may use to heal patients include botanical therapies, meditation practices, herbal remedies, massage therapy, diet plans, exercise regimens and hydrotherapy. I also meet with patients to assess their emotional, mental and spiritual health. This allows me to identify underlying issues and help patients adopt healthier lifestyles.
The following donation schedule has been developed based on a review of national averages.
Wedding- $600.00 (Alternatively, 10% of total wedding budget, whichever is higher.)
Funeral / Memorial- $350.00
Half Day Workshop- $500.00
Full Day Workshop- $750.00
Worship Service- $350.00 (Additional services use hourly rate)
Sermon/Keynote/Theme Talk- $300.00 (Keynote or Talk should be the length of a typical sermon)
Hourly Services- $200.00 (Consulting, Coaching, Pastoral Care, Spiritual Direction, Etc.)
Rites of Passage- $250.00 (Anniversary/Vow Renewal, Child Dedication, Graveside Service, Etc.)
Travel and Housing : The above rates do not include travel or housing expenses. For services with a travel distance greater than 15 miles, mileage (at the current IRS allowance ), flight, or train should be reimbursed. If overnight lodging is required, the host assumes the cost. Some ministers prefer home hospitality; others are more comfortable in a motel or hotel. The decision should be made by the minister.
Sliding Scales: Sliding scales may be offered at the discretion of the minister. If a sliding scale is used, ministers are encouraged to keep the above recommendations as a midpoint for sliding services.
Local Norms and Prevailing Rates: The scale of suggested fees adjusts for differences in geographic regions (please refer to the current US Geo index or the current Canadian Geo index.) We suggest becoming familiar with local norms and prevailing local rates and adjusting accordingly. (i.e. In a known wedding destination, fees may be higher than those suggested above.)
Virtual Services: Services provided via the internet (virtual worship, pastoral care, spiritual direction, etc) should be contracted at the same rate as those provided in person. For services provided virtually we encourage payment to be made electronically on the date of service. From PayPal and Venmo to GooglePay and Zelle there are many options today to send funds electronically.
Additional Notes: This Schedule of minimum donation amounts is recommended for services provided by ministers, as well as ministerial students and interns.
The Temple of Light & Life strongly urges that all financial arrangements between the minister and individuals or congregations, camps, conferences, etc. be clearly stated and agreed to in advance, especially in the case of services provided virtually. The use of the funds for these services shall be left entirely to the discretion of the minister.
Please reach out to the Temple of Light & Life office for further details.
Additional Services

Youth Ministry
The N.E.E.R. Corps Kids program is one of our favorites! We have a growing list of children from different communities that we get together for different learning projects, events and trips. We also send out via email learning packages and cool projects they can work on from home! Our goal with this program is to let children and parents alike know that SOMEBODY cares about them and is here to help whenever they need us! The future generations are in the hands of the communities, not governments. N.E.E.R. Corps would like to show, express and be an example of that.
If you would like to volunteer in this program go to the contact page and send us your name, location and a brief description of yourself and why you'd like to help.
We take groups of children on educational field trips, provide at home activities and we supply parents with educational materials for their children.
Advanced Numerology
Numerology is what our universe, planet AND reality are ordered by. It is the process of decoding frequencies. EVERYTHING is frequency.A good reading can result in “shockingly accurate” results, and once your mind is opened to the signs that Numerology can reveal, you’ll see them everywhere.
God is 1 and when when one awakens with new eyes, most times, 1 is the first thing you see and learn, then the Son, next the Holy Spirit.
So you see, similar to the first Matrix movie, once you are spiritually awakened and ready to live your new life, you are assisted by the Holy 'Trinity'. Hence, a large part of my reason for being baptized and ordained.
The art of numerology is based on the laws of the universe, personality of numbers, their inner nature, vibrations, and how they can be used to better understand yourself and the world around you.
Natural Medicine & Healing
Being in the field of Deliverance Ministry, healing and removing negative entities is one of this ministry's main priorities.
Viruses and parasites are on top of the list. It has been known since ancient times that the removal of viruses & parasites from the body leads to optimum health and eliminates the catalyst for many diseases.
Our modern environment also exposes us to countless poisons, toxins and pathogens. All of these things attract negative entities so it was inevitable that we developed a solution to this problem.
Michael VanHelsing provides natural healing services to the local area of Jamaica NY and will travel if deemed neccessary.