Holistic Health Care, Exercise & Evolution
Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person -- body, mind, spirit, and emotions -- in the quest for optimal health and wellness.
I use alternative natural therapies and ancient advanced medicine to reach the desired results.
Natural antibiotics- Colloidal silver, bee propolis, goldenseal
Natural pain killers- White willow bark
To remove free radicals- Copper & Zinc Superoxide Dismutase
Anti inflammatory- Turmeric
Natural parasite removal- Fossil Shell Flour, Turpentine, Wormwood
Detox/poison control (vaccine removal)- activated charcoal
Note: It is a scientific fact that prayer works better than medicine!
To learn about our custom made remedies Click Here!
Negative Ion Therapy
Negative ion producing materials and technology has been in and around international sports contests for the best part of 50 years or more.
Studies conducted by the Soviet Union, shortly after the end of World War II, included the use of negative ion ozone generators. The training of boxers, swimmers, hockey players and track and field athletes was conducted in the presence of these generators as part of the Soviet policy to become the dominant force in international sports.
Researchers found people with winter and chronic depression show that negative ion generators relieve depression as much as antidepressants. It was also determined that there are relatively no side effects.
The U.S.D.A. discovered the following in recent studies conducted in a poultry house, which are notoriously polluted:
Reduced salmonella (bacteria) transmission between chicks by 98%.
Reduced airborne salmonella (bacteria) by 95%.
Reduced airborne dust & particles by 99% in 60 seconds.
Functions and Applications of negative ions
Be able to vitalize our cells, increase the oxygen holding capacity of blood and improve metabolism. Teamed with anions, cells are full of vim and vigor.
Be able to remove fatigue, boost our resistance to diseases and ameliorant autonomic nervous system. Anions have a substantial curative effect upon headache, insomnia, constipation, melancholy, pollinizes and allergic rhinitis etc.
Anions with ozone are able to immediately remove the stink of mold, the offensive odor of smoking, retard and kill colon bacilli, dysenteric bacteria and tubercle bacillus etc. What's more, anions have also a special curative function in treatment of chronic bronchitis and asthma.
Non-Religious Baptism, Ordination & Spiritual Training
Separating us from man's Law, baptism is the last act of the Law on us. It is the one booth we must stop at on our way out of the prison of the Devil because it provides the lawful seal that unchains us from man's Law. It is the stamp that takes us out of our legal bondage to the old covenant. This is a NON-religious process.
Baptism by water is the only action by which man's Law can be taken away. ​
This is the ability to be 'reborn in the spirit', which is a new life as a citizen of God's Kingdom.
Your Baptism and/or ordination will be with The Temple of Light & Life, a non-denominational, 'Free Church'. NOT an Incorporated Church or a 501c3.
Pantheon X offers a variety of specialized spiritual titles. The credentials are beautifully designed to provide you with professional quality Certification.
You can choose from the following or if you do not see the title you would like to have, you may request it.
Deliverance Minister
Crystal Healing Practitioner
Reiki Healer
For more info Click Here!
Mystical Philosopher
Spiritualist Medium
Ancient- Advanced Technology
Ancient advanced technology and knowledge was used to overcome the challenges of the past. Interestingly enough, we are facing those very same problems tenfold today.
What I have found is that MOST of the technology of ancient times were used to help mankind, the planet and for the individual evolution of the user.
Through 30+ years of experience I have uncovered secrets that give us the ability to provide instructions on how to build tools and items used by the gods of ancient times.
To learn more Click Here!
"I'd like to take a moment to give credit where credit is due. Machette's genuine care for each of his student/clients is Top Notch. The process is easy to follow, understand, and deploy. He made himself available whenever I had any questions. I highly recommend working with him! I am grateful for you and your guidance. Thank you!!!" -Etay Hamenneham
Mastery of the Credit & Finance Systems
Do you want to buy a home?
Need a New Car?
Travel the world?
Need Land?
Quit your 9-5?
Start a HIGHLY PROFITABLE business?
Become financially independent in ANY financial climate?
This may surprise you but to be in the top 1% of wage earners in the United States in 2018, you need to earn over $250,000 a year.
The Middle – 50%
– to be in the top half (50%) of all earners you need to earn AT LEAST somewhere between $25,000 – $29,999.99 a year. Anywhere between 29k and 250k is 'Middle Class'.
The number of people earning less than $25,000 accounts for 46.5% 'bottom half' of the population.
The Low-Middle Class
A new report shows that 53 million Americans—44% of all workers aged 18-64—have low-wage jobs.
The Poverty Line
$25,000 per year is the poverty range and in most of the United States, an individual with an annual income of $12,760 or less is classified as living below the poverty line.
Though the share of the population living on such low incomes has fallen considerably in recent years, there are still 43.5 million Americans living in poverty – a number that will likely climb as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has crippled the U.S. economy, and continues to threaten businesses and livelihoods.
Elite business, real estate investment, banking and credit secrets are all shared in this program. No more webinars, seminars, courses, classes, ebooks and hours on Youtube.
You will have access to:
No Credit Check Loans
Obtaining a Checking Account without a Credit Check
Credit Cards For People With Bad Credit, Fair Or Poor Credit Score
Mortgage Loans With Bad Credit
Travel With Bad Credit-Get A 'Holiday Loan'
GET CASH With Bad Credit
Increase Your Credit Score within 24 hours
5 Secrets Credit Bureaus Don't Want You to Know
How To Improve Your Credit Score Even If You Are Not A Financial Expert!
How To Use Credit Repair Letters and Supporting Letters (included)
Secret Credit Boosting Tricks
For more info Click Here!
Incorporate Your Name
You will learn SECRET STRATEGIES used by the people with elite status (incorporated, State citizens) to gain, keep and continuously accumulate wealth.
In the public you will be treated like celebrities and VIPs along with having access to credit and funds that the average individual cannot access.
Enjoy the fringe benefits of receiving discounts, freebies, low rates, special treatment and more!
Learn how and why the incorporated are 'Too Big To Jail' and how you can enjoy the same immunities.
For more info Click Here!
"I just wanted to say THANK YOU SOOO much for your assistance in getting me set up with incorporating my NAME... BRUH... This joint ain't no joke... However it worked! So glad the Higher powers sent you my way!" -Jamal Spencer
Kesha Hicks ​
"I'm impressed! The calculations were dead on, and I am STILL learning about myself, the people around me and much more through numbers and this is amazing! Thank You Mr. VanHelsing!"
​Santos Quinones
​"Today has been an amazing day. I received my first Numerology reading by Mr. VanHelsing. He is amazing. very affordable and now I know what I have to learn in this life in order for me to be able to move forward.. Thanks Machette you are the bomb!​"
Asha Vancini
"I want to say thank you to Mr. VanHelsing, for his numerology was on point with great accuracy."
The Power of Numbers
​Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates. Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another and so are you. However your frequency is different from other things in the universe and frequencies are measured by NUMBERS. Once you know the frequencies of yourself and everything around you through numbers there is no limit to what you can accomplish!
​Numbers can help you find your talents, what careers best suit you, what companies are better career path choices and the best times to do things in accordance with your career choice.
In Business, numbers offer an extensive amount of advantages. ​From business name to location numerology has helped millions of business owners launch their businesses to the heights of success!
Just ask stockbrokers who use numerology to help them make better financial decisions, or ask the countless millionaires and entertainers who use numerology DAILY to keep them ahead of their game. You too, now have the advantages of this knowledge at your fingertips.
For more info Click Here!