
Greetings all, My name is Michael Machette VanHelsing. I am founder/CEO of PANTHEON X Inc., an ordained Bishop of Jamaica New York, and founder of the Temple of Light & Life. Along with these credentials, I am a certified credit & finance consultant. Additionally I have experience as a 20+ year holistic health and wellness coach. Ever since the age of 15 I've been researching and using natural remedies for myself and others successfully. I haven't had or needed a doctor since my teen years. As a hobby, I studied, recreated and reinvented items based on ancient advanced technology. All these years of experience led me to the creation of the PANTHEON X System.
What is 'Life Coaching'?
Life Coaching unlocks an individual or group’s potential to maximize their existence and performance. A Life Coach is someone to whom you formally turn when seeking guidance or advice regarding challenges, decisions, or questions in your life.
The desire to seek a life coach often comes when a person reaches a crossroads or feels stuck. I empower clients to find new levels of fulfillment and achieve rewarding goals on every level. These goals can span many areas, including relationships, spirituality, careers, business, and health, allowing the PANTHEON X System to have a broader impact than most standard life coaching systems.

Update! I am currently taking courses in 'Ancient Egyptian Art & Archaeology', 'Electrochemistry' and 'Humanitarian Response to Conflict & Disaster' at Harvard University.

What does PANTHEON X stand for?
A pantheon is a group or community of gods : the gods of a people especially : the officially recognized gods or a group of illustrious or notable persons or things. The 'X' in PANTHEON X is actually the ancient Hebrew symbol for 'Tav'. Which is the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Meaning mark, sign, omen, or seal, it is the symbol of truth, perfection, and completion. It represents the restoration Tikkun תיקון of all of existence. It is a return to the essence and purpose of one’s life. It represents completion, before beginning again with the original Oneness of the Aleph. When you join us, you become a member of this era's new pantheon.
What is your service?
I teach/train clients to tap into and fuse with the God within. Assisting them to become gods. Something that exists within each one of us already. I provide each client with a clear, definite, common sense plan of accomplishment.
Pantheon X is designed to provide the tools and strategies for defining and achieving success at home and at work. You'll learn how to find your passion and core values, how to apply these values to your own life, how to work well with others, how to communicate effectively, how to set goals, how to use influence to achieve these goals, and even how to say you are sorry.
Through exercises, assignments, lessons, and many case studies, you'll discover how to define not only what you want, but also the best way to get it! We all bring ourselves out into the world almost every day, and Pantheon X will help you be your best self wherever you are.
Clients will discover their core values, create a personal success plan, learn how to apply their values for the best results at home , outdoors and at work, and develop a method for communicating effectively and using influence to achieve their goals.
Environmental Hindrances
Before anything else, I make my clients aware of Electromagnetic Radiation and how it is harmful to both the mind and body. I also make clients aware of 'Positive Ions' and how they are also harmful to the mind and body. Both of these hindrances keep people in a state of depression, stress, anxiety and overall frustration. If these issues are not dealt with from the beginning, it will be close to impossible for anyone to CONSISTENTLY take positive steps to change their lives. Therefore I educate my clients on multiple ways to protect themselves and reverse the effects of these threats. Doesn't matter what medication, herb, therapy, video or audio people use, they will always end up back in the depressed, frustrated state. Dealing with Positive Ions and EMF Radiation first is a MUST.
Finance & Credit
In my years of helping people, I realized that it is difficult for anyone to focus on their mind, body and spirit if they are worried about money. If income, credit, debt and being able to live comfortably is a problem, that needs to be taken care of next. So one of the first steps I like to take with clients is making sure to help them become financially stable.
Mind, Body & Spirit
Everything I do is backed by scientific, medical, religious, historical and ancient recorded data.
I recently had a revelation. In 30+ years of research and experience, I have come to the realization that I AM.... God, YOU are God, we are all individual versions of God, experiencing life on Earth through each one of us. Making us gods if we could only tap into it. I understand what the 'gods of old' were. I have found that they were all mortals who reached a higher level of mental, physical and spiritual existence. We all have this potential. While I am reaching my full potential, I have chosen to help others reach theirs. This mission 'produces' men and women who also achieve these levels of being. Simple. There is no higher spiritual attainment.
Regarding the body, there are 4 main areas I like to focus on. First, I find out what current ailments, illnesses or other health issues my clients have. Then I help them with those things.
Next up is body goals. I find out what physique my clients want and I help them get there. I also teach people the secrets to anti-aging and how to extend their lifespans (live longer).
Third is diet, I teach everything I know about the human diet and assist with the optimization of nutritional intake.
Lastly is the optimization and upgrading of the brain/mind. I teach clients how to improve memory, cognition and focus based on my studies in nootropics. We can truly become 'limitless' if we have the right information.
How can you offer 'immortality' to anyone?
I do not. However, immortality is promised to everyone. At PANTHEON X I teach clients everything there is to know about immortality and how to achieve it based on scientific, medical, spiritual and ancient data. There are ways to optimize the brain through natural means and upgrade it so to speak, there are ways to enhance the body naturally and there are many paths to spiritual ascension.
My ministry and message from God to mankind is the following:
I realized that EVERYTHING is God.
I realized that we all... are God. Experiencing life on this planet through different bodies, minds and spirits.
What we know from history, myths, legends and folklore as gods can be easily explained by this truth.
The gods are only mortal men and women that have come to the realization that everything is God, they themselves are God and that every living creature and being is also God.
They were deemed as gods and worshipped because once a mortal male or female comes to this realization, it facilitates a change in the mind, body and spirit. A form of 'individual evolution' takes place. At this point the mortal's mind, body and spirit are upgraded so to speak. This gives rise to new levels of mind, new abilities, skills and powers. Mind you, this is all science, but to primitive man and to those of modern times with primitive thinking, these levels of thought achievement and ability are considered to be impossible.
Our new Era is in desperate need of a new pantheon. A new list of gods and goddesses that will help move our planet towards a safer, brighter, more promising future.
Also, it is the purpose of man to do so. That is, elevate themselves to the point of becoming one with God. I help people achieve this goal. The results and benefits are the same. OPTIMAL health, unlimited generational wealth and access to immortality.
There are no higher goals. There are no greater needs. There is no other way to win at this game we call 'Life on Earth'.
I have this saying: "Too many villains. Not enough heroes." ~Machette VanHelsing
So my personal intent is to create balance, even the odds and turn the tables. Because it is obvious that negative energy and entities are over-doing it a bit and have at this point taken things a bit too far.
I strongly believe that if something isn't done about this ASAP, we can kiss our asses and planet good bye.
I ALSO strongly believe that it is up to us to initiate that change. Unfortunately, programming, poisoning and miseducation are preventing people from qualifying to 'effectively' make any real changes.
This is why I felt the need to create PANTHEON X. There had to be a way made to help people advance to the state intended by our creator. For my bio & credentials Click Here!

Ye Are Gods.

1611 KJVB
1 John 4:13-16
13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.
14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him
Psalm 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, I sayeth, ye are gods?"

What do I get? How does this work?
This system includes the following:
Personal credit & finance consultation, business credit & finance consultation, generational wealth training, personal privacy & private trust consultation, personal incorporation consultation, investment training
Diet & nutrition training, customized workout plan, disease and ailment consultation, anti-aging consultation, natural remedy training, nootropics consultation, ancient- advanced medical remedy training AND A FREE PAIR OF 'ORGOKNIGHT RODS'! For More Info CLICK HERE
Spiritual training, Non-religious Baptism, Non-denominational ordination, Sacred text study, Prayer partnership, negative energy & entity removal training, Numerology reading & assessment, mind mastery & autosuggestion training, immortality training
Becoming a member of PANTHEON X Inc. is like enrolling in a university, Joining a group of real life Heroes and being part of a spiritual high council all wrapped up in one.
There will be video courses, a PRIVATE online community, weekly online group Q&A sessions, audio lessons, Free Ebooks, Documents, forms and other materials you will need for this program. Everything will be provided here on this website.
Start to completion is 5 months. However, clients achieve goals at their own pace.
You will receive training on how to create/build items, tools and equipment needed to complete the program.
You will be able to:
Repair, reverse or at least greatly reduce your current sicknesses, ailments and current health issues
Extend your natural lifespan
Get Baptized and/or ordained putting you on the highest level of authority in society and taking you out of the jurisdiction of the secular world
Improve your cognition, memory and mental clarity
Overcome depression, heartbreak and other mental health issues
Boost and repair your personal credit to get approved for whatever you want and need
Set up Private Trusts to create generational wealth
Create your spiritual goals and reach your potential
Start and/or become a business, build up business credit and live like the wealthy
Gain access to ancient- advanced technology and sciences

Tribal Chieftess Lady Crown Turikatuku

"I have known Michael for more than seven years. He and I met when I saw his original website and requested mentoring.
Michael is one of the most dedicated, hardworking and innovative creative individuals I’ve had the pleasure of working with him in this capacity, doing God’s great work. He is also compassionate, kind and never misses the opportunity to help others work through the minefield of illusions.
His teachings have elevated me to a level of self-sustainability whereby I live and breath this work and now mentor others.
Michael’s work is not to be taken lightly or disrespected. To follow this path requires commitment, loyalty, truth and dedication as it is a life destination. You can’t run and hide once you start these processes as he shares life journeys.
Michael is the type of man that moves with the times, moves with spirit yet always directed by god.
For these reasons, I recommend Michael as an ordained Minster to minister unto you and show you the way!" ~Lady Crown Turikatuku