Jailed for Debt?
“An increasing number of debtors are being arrested for debts they owe and cannot pay”, according to reports by several national news outlets.
The TRICK they use is that in some states, debt collectors use tactics that might land you in jail when you don't appear for court hearings for debtor's examinations. You can't be arrested simply because you don't pay a debt. Collection letters containing threats to arrest you and throw you in jail are bogus and illegal.
It becomes legal when an individual that is in debt has ignored (often repeatedly) a summons (it may be called a citation in your area) - a legal order to appear in court - for a hearing related to the debt. When they do, the court often declares them in contempt of court and it is the contempt of court order that causes them to wind up behind bars.
If you live in a state that allows it, when you fail to follow a court's order to appear for a hearing or make a payment, then you may be held in civil ‘contempt of court’. If you are in contempt because you failed to follow an order, the court can issue a warrant for your arrest (called a capias or body attachment, depending on the court). Once arrested, you go to jail and remain there until you post a bond. Interestingly, the bond is set in an amount that just so happens to equal the amount of the judgment that the creditor took against you.
Social Security An Endangered Species
Originally, when the America as we have come to know it was being built, there was a desperate demand for human resources. This gave birth to the world of ‘corporate employment’ and jobs. This period was called the Industrial Revolution. The United States government Set up an employment and benefits plan which put almost every American adult to work.
The Social Security application consists of 3 moving parts. It is an employment application, an application to receive insurance benefits from the company and a power of attorney which gives the company jurisdiction and authority over the worker. It was SUPPOSED TO BE an insurance program for all employees….. But Social Security doesn’t operate anything like an insurance program. Nobody has a personal Social Security account where all the money is held. It's mostly an illusion.
Whether you call Social Security theft, fraud, a Ponzi scheme, or just a case of misleading politics, the real matter at hand is the fact that if there is no need for jobs, there’s no need for social security. Which means no need for the social security NUMBER. This is to say that there will be fewer people putting money into the Social Security system and more people taking money out.
Because of these factors, it has been estimated that all the money in the Social Security "bank account" will be exhausted by 2035, when it will have only about 77% of what it should pay out that year. If you're in your forties or fifties today, you could conceivably not receive ANYTHING during retirement, even though you're paying into the system now.
Because of the fact that Social Security is becoming obsolete as are jobs requiring ‘manpower’, the tax laws have been adjusted to foster the coming shift in the corporate world. In all actuality, things are returning to the way they are supposed to be. Every man and woman has skills, talents, gifts, knowledge and special abilities in some cases. We are all meant to use what we love and are good at to SERVE our fellow man. True wealth in every sense of the word comes naturally when we embrace this concept. Therefore providing products and services based on our personal labor, time, knowledge and ideas is where the shift in the economy is headed.
New Tax Laws
The new tax plan would give millions of Americans the opportunity to cut their taxes by essentially turning themselves into small business entities. This mind-bending curiosity of the tax code could undermine the very idea of a job as we know it — or, arguably, accelerate a shift that has been underway for years. “The new tax law is business friendly and restrictive personally,” says Seth Kaplowitz of San Diego State University. “You’ll see in a few years how it’s going to cost the middle class more money — individuals are going to get screwed over the long run. Businesses will benefit.”
A way out has already been set up and has actually has been used for decades. Incorporating oneself solves the coming employment problem AND the social security problem. Credit Building & Restoration for individuals AND businesses is the solution to attaining financial freedom. It also serves as a strategy for eliminating debts.