Experience the Exceptional. A Better Financial Approach.
Need Help? exodusenterprises@consultant.com

There’s no need to pitch the whole ‘success’/motivational mumbo jumbo to you. You either want to make money or you don’t. So we'll get straight to the point. We pay $500 commissions for all Business Credit sales, $50 and up for all Personal Credit sales.
Let’s do the numbers … (The following numbers are an example. Our package prices are subject to change)
You refer 3 paying Business Credit clients in 7 days of that's $1500! If you only refer 1, that's still $500!
You make $50.00+ for every personal/consumer credit client.
If you refer only 10 leads that convert into personal/consumer credit clients in 7 days that would be $500.00+
These are minimum numbers. You control your income. Whether it's 5 clients per week or 25 is entirely up to you!
Important Note: We pay per conversion. When a lead converts to a client, we transfer funds from the sale to you! Affiliate Agreement and Confidentiality Agreements will be included in the Exodus Rep Package once you sign up.
What is Your New Position/Profession?
You are a Credit & Finance Advisor (Financial Advisor). Advisor is used instead of salesman/woman because you will be educating your potential clients as soon as you open your mouth. This is simply because once you are trained, speaking the finance language in regular conversation will be second nature to you. Your potential clients will always receive an education and advice when you communicate with them.
What Are You Selling?
You are providing assistance with personal credit, business credit and financial . Based on the statistics and our experience, almost EVERYBODY NEEDS YOUR HELP! Because this country is set up to trap people into debt, individuals ALWAYS need help with personal credit. Once you talk to them and send them to our site, they will see that we are the best. When it comes to business credit, which should be your main focus, we know for a fact that 95% of the businesses we have spoken to have NO IDEA what business credit even is! This also means that there is close to NO COMPETITION! Or else, these business owners would have heard of it and will have some knowledge of it.
The work is pretty much done for you! Team Exodus is one of the most highly- trained and educated financial assistance teams in the country! Which means YOU will receive a FREE financial education that will benefit you, your potential clients and help you sell! We hook you up with the best strategies to find clients online AND offline, we give you scripts and posts for personal interactions, emails, and we send you graphics to use. You'll have everything you need to make it happen.
Now Let’s Get To Work!
Dress professionally and meet with local merchants who deal with financing: mortgage brokers, real estate agents, auto dealers, jewelers etc. Many mortgage and real estate professionals will require you to have a website portal before referring clients to you. If you so choose, you can offer these same businesses our Business Credit program and go for the big bucks!
Create flyers, brochures and business cards. Give a brief description about your services and contact information. We already provide these in the Exodus Rep package. Post flyers everywhere you can. You may also want to place small ads for your services in local newspapers, church newsletters and periodicals.
Offer friends and family your credit building services for free, and then ask them for a letter of recommendation. This will quickly help to build your client base. Word of mouth is the very best kind of advertising.
You may want to consider giving credit and debt house gatherings or classes to teach people how to help themselves and refer them to our site. Give talks about ways to stay out of debt. People will go home with the information you have given them, plus your business card or brochure and tell others, who could end up as your next clients.
Advertise, and make sure to always mention our free consultation offer to get them to our website and signed up as a lead! It's not difficult to establish yourself and make money, provided you keep the interest of your client as the most important aspect of the business. Always start with someone close. Start with friends, family and colleagues. That will get the word of mouth rolling. Go out of your way to do an exceptional job! Your good work will be rewarded by word-of-mouth promotion and endless leads.
Know How To Market Yourself Online
Although there is a lot of money to be made in credit building & restoration, it is also extremely competitive. As such, you should gain the upper edge by learning how to market yourself on the Internet. Your clients are everywhere online, be it Google, Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. So the bigger digital presence you establish for yourself, the more money you will make.
At the very minimum, you should have a Facebook page solely dedicated to your new position and start looking for business within your Facebook network. For business credit clients, join business, small business and entrepreneur facebook groups. real estate groups and shopping groups are good for personal credit clients as an example.
Make sure to give your best effort, so those that take you up on your offer will send you more business through referrals.
· The best way to make money is by ensuring that your client is happy. Happy clients refer their friends.
· Never promise too much
· Never do anything that you even suspect may be illegal, however tempting and profitable it may seem
Networking The financial industry is big, and there is a lot of money to be made. By networking and partnering up with others in different segments of the financial industry, you can increase your bottom line and make more money.
For instance, you can network with mortgage lenders, financial advisors, accountants, real estate agents, and even car salesmen - and refer business to one another. It is a win-win since everyone is in different segments of the financial industry, so there aren't any overlapping interests.
We are the BEST! We are TEAM EXODUS!
Important Note: Once you sign up, Team Exodus login and free training manual are located at the very bottom of the website.