LUKE 9:1-2 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. 2And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.
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NEW AND IMPROVED....Now Oxygenated!
The Story of N.E.E.R. Water By Michael Machette VanHelsing
At the age of 15, I was told that health insurance was too expensive and that I would have to get medicaid. I tried, more than once. I ended up giving medicaid THE FINGER and started researching natural medicine. From that point I went on a journey to find the strongest antibiotics and pain killers as well as the strongest and most effective cleanse.
After a while I became the Hood Doctor because most of my peers were in the same boat and when friends or friends of friends would get sick, they'd come knocking on my door! I had a small wooden box with bags of herbs in it and started out making teas. I then moved on to making ointments.
As for myself, I had a dentist as a kid who disappeared BEFORE finishing my appointments!.But somewhere around 18 those "crowns" in my teeth started coming out! Listen, I'm not even gonna get into details but. I NEEDED ANTIBIOTICS! So at that time I was using goldenseal. It worked like a charm but after a while it stopped working. Then I found Bee Propolis! Now I MUST SAY to this day BEE PROPOLIS is the easiest to get, most inexpensive and the strongest CHEMICAL antibiotic nature has to offer (cool factoid: although you can't fit in one, the safest place during a nuclear disaster is A BEE HIVE!) Bee Propolis is what bees use to make their hives and it keeps all harmful microorganisms out of the hive and kills whatever microorganisms enter the hive.
Now because bee propolis is CHEMICAL, I wasn't ready to place my bets on it because I know for a fact that pathogens can become immune to chemicals after time. THAT is when I learned about "Colloidal Silver" interesting to me as soon as I found the info because I was already familiar with silver in my studies of demonology and metaphysics. So when my abcess would start acting up I'd buy colloidal silver from GNC for about $30 for 4oz. and THAT SH!#* WOULD RUN OUT IN LIKE 2 DAYS! I wasn't able to keep buying silver like that though it wasn't killin my pockets at the time. To me it just didn't make sense what I was spending, it felt like I was getting cheated in some way..... Then I studied how to make it myself and found that I already knew how to do it because I studied alchemy for years prior to finding this info. So I immediately bought the stuff I needed to make it. I was shocked at how much more effective it was when I made it myself.
Due to my nature, I couldn't keep this to myself so I decided to use it to heal others (after using myself as a guinea pig), so I bought bottles!
The first individual I donated a bottle of N.E.E.R Water to was the Mother in Law of one of my closest friends Rondell Jackson. She was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer and when I donated the bottle to her I was about to move back to New York. About Three weeks later I got tagged in a post on facebook from his wife thanking me for helping to heal her mother! Her post stated that when she went in for a her regular visits for testing and treatment, the doctors found that her viral count was significantly lower than the last time they tested her. They gave her about a year or so to live. I was shocked myself! I forget how much time passed but, she tagged me again in a post saying that the doctors were baffled that they found no cancer cells in her body! After that, I started donating bottles left and right and making house call after house call, going back and forth to the bottle spot to pick up bottles and to the post office to ship bottles out.
Then I decided to make a label and sell it. Mainly because I felt that the commercial silver out there was not strong enough and too expensive for people to really afford. So I chopped the price in half and decided that I would donate to the terminally ill, while allowing everyone else to place orders. N.E.E.R. Water became huge! It was a good run and I have healed STDs, all types of skin rashes, flu, colds, lung infections, pneumonia, tooth infections, stomach viruses and honestly the list is long as hell. But as we all know, LIFE HAPPENS. So N.E.E.R. Water had to be put to the side as I had to tend to more pressing matters. Now especially because of how many people are contacting me I had to plan the return of N.E.E.R. Water! But what I have done is add the oxygenation process to my standard procedure of making colloidal silver, and pray for the healing of others during the entire process so N.E.E.R. Water is blessed, back and BETTER THAN EVER!
To Order N.E.E.R. Water Click Below:
8oz Bottle of N.E.E.R Water $21.00 +shipping 1 gallon Jug of N.E.E.R Water 65.00 +shipping
N.E.E.R. Water & Colloidal Silver Info
New Oxygenated N.E.E.R. Water Facts:
- There is no threat from nor worries about the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Colloidal Silver is
grand fathered as a 'pre 1938 healing modality'. This makes it exempt from FDA jurisdiction.
(Colloidal Silver exceeds FDA recognized standards for safety. In a September 13, 1991 letter written by Harold Davies, U.S. Food and Drug Administration Consumer Safety Officer stated that FDA has no jurisdiction regarding a pure, mineral element.)
- It has been used as a remedy for mental imbalances, sleepwalking and anorexia nervosa. Additional uses include the treatment of AIDS, allergies, anthrax, arthritis, blood poisoning, boils, wounds of the cornea, chronic fatigue, cerebral spinal meningitis, candida, cholera, colitis, cystitis, diabetes, diptheria, dysentery, enlarged prostate, gonorrhea, herpes, hepatitis, infantile diseases, lesions, leukemia, lupus, lyme disease, parasites, dental plaque remover, rheumatism, ringworm shingles, skin cancer, staph and strep infections, stomach flu, thyroid conditions, tonsillitis, toxemia, stomach ulcers and whooping cough to name a few.
- Colloidal Silver is non-toxic, non-addictive and has no side effects. The body develops no tolerance and one cannot overdose. Colloidal Silver cannot cause harm to the liver, kidneys or any other organ in the body.
- It is safe for pregnant and nursing women and even aids the developing fetus in growth and health as well as easing the mother's delivery and recovery. Colloidal Silver is odorless, tasteless, non-stinging, harmless to eyes, contains no free radicals, is harmless to human enzymes and has no reaction with other medications. It improves digestion, aids in the regeneration of damaged cells and tissues, helps prevent colds, flu and organism caused diseases .
- Colloidal Silver has been successfully tested at the UCLA Medical Labs where it killed every virus on which it was tested.
- Colloidal Silver is the result of an electro-magnetic process that pulls microscopic particles from a larger piece of silver into a liquid such as water. These microscopic particles can more easily penetrate and travel throughout the body. Colloidal Silver works as a catalyst, disabling the enzyme that all one celled bacteria fungi and viruses use for their oxygen metabolism.
- Colloidal silver was used as the main antibiotic all around the world up until the twentieth century. When the rise of 'Pharmakeia' and so called 'miracle drugs' began, the use of silver was overshadowed. Because silver nor water can be patented Pharmaceutical corporations and for various other reasons, it became uncommon and unpopular.
- Oxygenation - A 1:1000 solution of colloidal silver to H2O2 increases the efficacy of colloidal silver by up to 100 times against bacteria. The increased bioavailability reaction using colloidal silver and H2O2 results in a delivery mechanism that increases adsorption of silver directly into tissues.
- Prayer/Blessing - Masaru Emoto was experimenting with the properties of water one day when he made a startling discovery. Emoto noticed that when he froze normal distilled water, the water crystal formed the shape of a basic hexagon. When he froze water he had cursed, the water crystals produced violent, sharp, and sometimes broken water crystals. However, by blessing the water, the frozen water crystals yielded beautifully stunning shapes and patterns. As science has progressed, quantum physics has gone to prove that our world is nothing like we actually see it. Emotions such as love, hate, joy and sadness are not just thoughts, but physical particles within the universe that act much like pheromones do. In layman’s terms, our feelings can affect and change physical elements around us. Masaru Emoto began taking distilled water and writing on the bottles. Some words said “thank you”, other words said, “You make me sick, I will kill you!” Some water was left to be blessed by monks while others were played different types of music. The emotion that had been sent to the water physically changed its molecular structure infusing the water with the power of the emotion or thought. The physical particles of emotion and thought attached to the water, influenced, and redesigned its frozen shape.