(An excerpt from the Ebook 'Pharmakeia'. Which includes Documents and resources to protect and free the children.)
Hospitals, Doctors, Registrars and Nurses
Many of the modern day witches and sorcerers are HIDING within the Health Care industry. They use hospitals to conduct their practices undetected. In this article, I'm going to reveal some information I put together while on the Temple of Light & Life retreat. It brought tears to my eyes when I pictured the steps taken to create the 'person' and I feel OBLIGATED to share this with those who are awake and alive.
The steps taken to create what is called the 'person' are as follows (the order may vary in some hospitals)
1) Baby exits the womb
2) Umbilical chord is cut PREMATURELY resulting in massive amounts of blood loss and spillage* (In natural births the baby gets all the nutrients until the sac is empty, there is usually little to no blood loss)
3) Placenta is pulled out.
4) Baby is SHOCKED into consciousness usually from a slap giving the baby pain as it’s first experience on earth also causing resentment towards the mother.
5) Baby is comforted by the nurses/witches and lifted up in the air which is the gesture of offering the baby up to the Devil but to the unknowing it looks like an innocent display of presentment. (this psychologically gives the baby early dependence on comfort and security from THE STATE AND WITCHES who are strangers to the baby and family)
6) Baby is given SUGAR to replace nutrients that it was deprived of due to the umbilical chord being cut early. This causes the early addiction to sugars and ALSO prepares the body for demonic/parasitic entry.(BEWARE OF THE GLUCOSE TEST!)
7) Injections – immunizations, the drawing of blood* etc. (The blood of an infant can be used to track the infant for a future sacrifice, use it to cast spells and incantations against the infant or their parents. All the witch needs is to get the parents permission to take a sample of the infants’ blood, they don’t need to tell the truth or explain why they need the blood to the parent (though blood MAY be taken without consent). The parent is the person of authority over the baby. It will give them the spiritual legal right to do so. This is why the baby needs to be baptized.)
8) Baby is taken into another room (Midwives caused many infants to be initiated into witchcraft and Satanism. The midwife had the opportunity and the ability to take charge of the infant in those few moments it took, to take the infant into the next room, ‘hold it up to Satan’, and offer it to him, or draw blood, with or without the parent’s consent. The person you put in charge of your children has the legal right, spiritually, over that child.)
9) Placenta is taken by family to be eaten or is kept by the hospital and sold to be eaten. (THEY ARE NOT...DISPOSED OF)
10) Faustian contracts are now presented and the ritual of attaching a negative entity known as the ‘person’ is initiated. Here is where the witches, sorcerers and necromancers work together to bring children of God into the Realm of the dead.
Registering (contracting with the state) your Biological Property (the body of the baby), creates the Birth Certificate, which is actually a DEATH Certificate evidenced by the signature (curse-ive) of the registrar on the document putting the living baby into probate. The Birth certificate is ALSO a Financial Security Instrument representing proof of parental consent in signing over the baby to the State. You are thus Consenting to the State's Ownership of You and Your Children.
The State then creates a child's very first Legal ENTITY/PERSON, with the parental signing of the Birth Certificate, which is given a "commercial value".
Here is where the baby is MARKED and NUMBERED via. US Code Title 42-666.
The Birth Certificate contains:
1) A 6-10 digit Number.
2) The words "Revenue Receipt" next to the number.
3) The words "For Treasury Purposes Only" on the other side of the number.
At this point, the baby is 'possessed' and is planned to continue it's existence as the 'person' not a child of God.
Thus......the creation of the 'PERSON' is evidence of witchcraft, sorcery and necromancy. This is ALSO by every definition and description POSSESSION and although it may be shocking, it is time that this information be released. I am a Demon Hunter and the news in THIS COMMUNITY is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than what you see on the internet, watch on T.V., read in papers and magazines or hear on the radio.
Get the Ebook 'Pharmakeia' at my online store.