Let's take a look at the ID Card.
The Most Powerful Dark Magic Card
The Identification Card
This is the card that invokes the possession of the man/woman by the negative entity called the PERSON. How this happens is people sign the Faustian contract that creates the merger of the living and the dead. This card is adorned with magical words, symbols and seals and the image is captured into the card. Now it has been taken a step further by placing people's images into holograms.
I will not get into the drivers license because there is enough information on the internet about that.
Volunteering to this has dark implications and affects unknown to most applicants. The entity type called the PERSON that is attached to people is called an Egregore. Due to the source of these PERSONS, they are classified as negative entities. The evidence of this possession becomes clear when the SPELL-ING is broken. Let's take a look see.
The Id Entity
The Id
The id is the only component of personality that is present from birth.
This aspect of personality is entirely unconscious and includes the instinctive and primitive behaviors.
According to Freud, the id is the source of all psychic energy, making it the primary component of personality.
The id is driven by the pleasure principle, which strives for immediate gratification of all desires, wants, and needs. If these needs are not satisfied immediately, the result is a state anxiety or tension.
1 a : being, existence; especially : independent, separate, or self-contained existence
b : the existence of a thing as contrasted with its attributes
2 : something that has separate and distinct existence and objective or conceptual reality
3 : an organization (such as a business or governmental unit) that has an identity separate from those of its members
Entification - The action of giving objective existence to something
Hence, the Identification Card is a POSSESSION CARD And evidence of the consent of said possession.
Mind you, state identification cards are created and regulated under US Title 42-666
I could make this a long winded post, but that's way more than enough for you to absorb right now.
Another little gem from the eyes of a demon hunter.
Main Entry: entity
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: object that exists
Synonyms: article, being, body, creature, existence, individual, item, material, matter, organism, presence, quantity, single, singleton, something, stuff, subsistence, substance, thing
Antonyms: abstract, concept, idea
Main Entry: entity
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: nature of a being
Synonyms: actuality, essence, existence, integral, integrate, quiddity, quintessence, reality, subsistence, substance, sum, system, totality
Antonyms: abstract
Main Entry: being
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: essential nature
Synonyms: character, entity, essence, essentia, essentiality, individuality, marrow, personality, quintessence, self, soul, spirit, substance, texture
Main Entry: being
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: animate object
Synonyms: animal, beast, body, conscious thing, creature, entity, human, human being, individual, living thing, mortal, organism, person, personage, soul, thing
Antonyms: abstract, inanimate
Main Entry: essence
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: heart, significance
Synonyms: aspect, attribute, backbone, base, basis, be-all and end-all, being, bottom, bottom line, burden, caliber, character, chief constituent, constitution, core, crux, element, entity, essentia, essentiality, fiber, form, fundamentals, germ, grain, kernel, life, lifeblood, main idea, marrow, meaning, meat*, name of game, nature, nitty-gritty, nub, nucleus, pith, point, principle, property, quality, quiddity, quintessence, reality, root, soul, spirit, structure, stuff, substance, timber, vein, virtuality
Main Entry: existence
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: life
Synonyms: actuality, animation, being, breath, continuance, continuation, duration, endurance, entity, essence, hand one is dealt, individuality, journey, lifing, permanence, perseverance, presence, rat race, real world, reality, something, subsistence, survival, the big game, world
Antonyms: death, inanimateness
Main Entry: fact
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: event; detail of action
Synonyms: accomplishment, act, action, actuality, adventure, affair, being, case, circumstance, conception, consideration, construction, creation, data, datum, deed, entity, episode, evidence, experience, factor, fait accompli, feature, happening, incident, information, item, manifestation, occurrence, organism, particular, performance, phenomenon, point, proceeding, specific, statistic, transaction, truism
Antonyms: lie, fiction
Main Entry: individual
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: singular person, thing
Synonyms: being, body, character, child, creature, dude*, entity, existence, human being, man, material, matter, mortal, number, party, person, personage, self, singleton, somebody, something, soul, stuff, substance, type, unit, woman
Antonyms: group
Main Entry: living
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: animation, spirit
Synonyms: activity, being, breath, brio, dash, energy, enthusiasm, entity, esprit, essence, excitement, get-up-and-go, go*, growth, heart, high spirits, impulse, lifeblood, liveliness, oomph, sentience, soul, sparkle, verve, viability, vigor, vitality, vivacity, zest*, zing, élan vital, élan
Antonyms: dead
Main Entry: life
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: being
Synonyms: animal, animateness, animation, body, breath, consciousness, continuance, creature, endurance, entity, essence, existence, flesh, flesh and blood, growth, human, human being, individual, living, living being, living thing, man, metabolism, mortal, mortal being, organism, person, personage, presence, soul, subsistence, substantiality, survival, symbiosis, viability, vital spark, vitality, wildlife, woman
Antonyms: death, inanimacy
After you have finished with all of the details for your entity, it is time to bring it to life and send it on its way to manifest your desires. There are many ways to give life to your entity. We will outline a simple method and provide suggestions that you may want to expand upon.
The elite create corporations with full knowledge that they are creating entities. So much so that often times RITUALS or Prayer ceremonies are performed in the creation and controlling of these entities. In business This is one of the biggest and most guarded secrets. It is ALSO the main difference between fortune 500 businesses and small businesses. Additionally it is one of the differences between success and failure. Starting a business without the knowledge that one is creating a real entity can have so many consequences that it is imperative that I share this information.
I must make a point here that also needs to be addressed. In business, there is the public sector and the private sector. I cannot stress enough that in The public, ONLY ENTITIES CAN INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER. All interactions and accounts are between entities, not men and women. Transactions, contracts and accounts are between entities with men and women as their representatives. Mind you, people are doing this unaware of how serious it is and while thinking themselves that they are entities (persons).
In the music business, TV, Radio and Hollywood people create 'characters' which are equivalent to alter egos that they portray in the public temporarily and sometimes PERMANENTLY. These people not knowing the ramifications of creating these alter egos has caused mental disorders and a multitude of other problems in their lives.
This brings me to the damage that negative entities can cause. I will use two words that are familiar to everyone. Those words are HAUNTINGS and POSSESSIONS. In most cases these entities cause havoc, confusion and destruction in the lives of those that they are attached to. Mind you, entities can be sent out to effect entire regions and populations, but I will cover that later. Also again, these negative entities can be created by one and attached to another.
In many actual cases of HAUNTINGS and POSSESSIONS it is the very victims that created the entities that caused them torment and in some cases even death. Interestingly enough, these entities have needs and must be taken care of as outlandish as that may seem. That being said, it is almost imperative that everyone study this subject because as unspoken and outlandish as it may seem, this is what is happening and has been happening since the dawn of civilization.
People of ancient times had entities as household gods, angels, spirits and muses that functioned as spirit companions to provide comfort, protection, guidance and inspiration for creative work. Eventually the knowledge of this practice was lost. The phenomenon was called 'imaginary friends', a concept attributed to children.
It is rarely spoken of that adults create them for certain purposes in high level spiritual works.
Entities are seemingly sentient, subjectively experienced as a separate being with their own agency, emotions, preferences, thoughts, and character. They can be likened to a separate mental consciousness, existing alongside it's creator. Entities are the product of intentional creation, starting with an idea of their characteristics, and developed and capable of meaningful interaction through meditation, focus and practice.
The practice of creating and interacting with these entities originates from Buddhist meditation techniques. Practitioners report interacting with negative and positive entities.
Without knowledge of this concept again I say that people have NO IDEA what's going on or what they are doing. This is again, why most people fail in life and why most businesses and independent projects fail or are short lived.
This is why the subject must be discussed and taught from the perspective of the spiritual, metaphysical and corporate points of view combined.
For example, when one creates an entity it will need to be fed some form of energy source or it will die. If one does not give their entity a purpose or if its purpose is no longer a reality, it dies. WORSE THAN THAT, is the possibility of the entity taking energy from wherever it can to survive as well as the potential of it going out of control causing turmoil, harm and suffering.
As out-of-this-world as these things seem, they are FACTS. Hence, the creation of trusts, businesses, alter egos, characters, or roles needs to be taken WAY MORE SERIOUSLY. People are so overwhelmed by entities that they almost never get a chance in life to learn about themselves or BE themselves let alone enjoy life. Most are also not in control of the entities in their lives that have been created by them and/or others.
Businesses are entities, trusts are entities, PERSONS are entities, Actors are entities, the very governments are entities, demons are entities, spirits are entities. and the list goes on.
As a Deliverance Minister and Demon Hunter I feel it is my job to teach this to all of those that are receptive to this crucial information. It is the main difference between success and failure and can ALSO be a matter of life and death.
This is the unspoken difference between people that live in abundance and people that just get by. It all starts with the ORIGINAL and FIRST Creator. It goes all the way down to the fact that we have God within us. When we reach the level of being in tune with that we can truly create positive entities.
In my profession of Deliverance Ministry, it is my job to help people remove negative entities from their lives and to teach them how to create POSITIVE entities that can assist them and others. It is a challenging task to take on because nobody is teaching on this level, but it's my calling and command to do so. That is why I am what I am and do what I do.