Per Wikipedia... "...In semiotics and postmodernism, hyperreality is an inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality, especially in technologically advanced postmodern societies. Hyperreality is seen as a condition in which what is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together so that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins.[1] It allows the co-mingling of physical reality with virtual reality (VR) and human intelligence with artificial intelligence (AI).[1] Individuals may find themselves, for different reasons, more in tune or involved with the hyperreal world and less with the physical real world. Some famous theorists of hyperreality/hyperrealism include Jean Baudrillard, Albert Borgmann, Daniel J. Boorstin, Neil Postman and Umberto Eco..."
...The lyrics for this video were taken wholly from the definition of the word "Hyperreality" @ I had to take only a few liberties with the stated definition so the words in the video are essentially paraphrased from start to finish. Hyperreality is real and a prevalent phenomenon in everyones lives (especially those who have access to the internet, TV, watches movies or uses a cell phone... or even simply walking down the street through town. Modern society is inundated with Hyperreality, far more than ever before... So, be careful what you wish for in this day and age... Because it's already being SOLD to you even as you wish it...