A Second Class Citizen is ANYONE with a Social Security number and has not incorporated the legal name. Check the 14th Amendment of the Constitution and Google 'second class citizen'.
Here is the SOURCE of most problems people have in America:
Second Class citizens have no inalienable rights.
Second Class citizens are CRIMINALS by default.
Second Class citizens rights are GRANTED to them by Congress that can be taken away.
Second Class citizen status is the same as someone who holds a Green Card.
A Second Class citizen's body is property of USA Incorporated. Their personal property, and their children can (and have) be taken along with their liberty and anything else they think they own, without going to court.
Second Class citizens have no privacy.
Second Class citizens have no right to have a weapon.
Second Class citizens have no access to common law.
Second Class citizens must get permission to operate a car.
Second Class citizens have no inalienable religious Rights.
Second Class citizens pay taxes on EVERYTHING.
Now let's use common sense and logic. You can only receive 'benefits' (social security or otherwise) from a COMPANY that you WORK FOR. Next, only companies have Presidents and Vice Presidents. They are corporate titles. Next, and this is our favorite...has anyone even read the Social Security Act or the 14th Amendment? If you haven't, do it ASAP.
For the solution to this problem Click Here
Anyone in England that has/is doing the status correction and would like to form an English group, please make contact.