The Problem & The Solution.
A ‘Federal Citizen’ is the status given to those that have waived their rights as State Citizens. All citizens are entities. Men, women and children CAN NEVER be citizens other than citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Social Security number is the number of a corporate ENTITY created as a worker-slave. This entity is popularly known as the 'strawman'. That entity has the same name as you but in all capital letters. You are John Doe, the entity is JOHN DOE.
Issuing Social Security Numbers to people who aren’t actually federal employees and either United States Citizens or citizens of the United States is illegal entrapment. The results are property/slave status, involuntary servitude, identity theft, unlawful conversion of assets and other violations of human rights. This is also to attach entities to people and tricking them into thinking that they are the entity because of the name confusion.
Applying for Social Security is only required if you are seeking employment for your child or yourself with the UNITED STATES Incorporated and applying to receive benefits from this company or if you are seeking political asylum as a federal dependent.
Another trap people fall for is when they are encouraged to vote in federal and federated state/county elections. When one “registers” to vote, they unknowingly give up their rights as stockholders and electors — and they become “enfranchised” as presumed employees of the UNITED STATES Incorporated. This is also known as being a 'federal citizen' or a 'second class citizen'.
Without the creation of this entity, the UNITED STATES Incorporated would not be able to control people. Therefore, in the public you are seen and treated AS the corporate employee. An even deeper reason is that corporate entities can only interact with each other, not living-breathing men and women. So these entities can only see and hear you if you have an entity attached to you.
People born in the states of the Union who resign or retire from such employment, or who, owing no natural allegiance to any Territorial or Municipal governments, and having never been employed by the UNITED STATES Incorporated or any of the other federal government(s), revoke their “election” to pay federal income taxes and cease to function as voluntary Withholding Agents and must be set free from the presumption of any further territorial or municipal obligation. By becoming incorporated you are helping to identify yourself as an independent contractor rather than an employee. This is what "Be your own boss" truly means.
A State Citizen is a Corporate Entity. Herein lies your freedom and mastery of the system. By converting the ‘legal name entity’ into a corporation it acquires State Citizenship status.
When you register your name as a corporation in one of the states of the Union, the entity becomes a citizen of that state.
There is a specific type of C-corporation that allows you to be seen and treated as a walking-talking one man corporation with the status of 'state citizen'. This is a status upgrade from 'second class citizen' to 'first class'/elite status.
In short, you are simply converting the corporate employee/slave entity into a corporation/boss entity. Federal citizenship to State citizenship. From slavery to freedom.
Once this is accomplished, you can finally reach your dreams and the sky is the limit! You will BECOME a business, build business credit and reap the rewards of making the smartest decision of your life.