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White Stones


We are proud to present our new private community currency, designed to encourage generosity and abundance, build community, restore the Earth, and meet basic human needs. This currency depends upon the networking of a vibrant, local, national, and international local private currency movement and the creation of a spirit-led organization, which has no head other than God, and works by cooperative, independent agreement

        We call our private currency "White Stones", in recognition of  "The 'white stone' noticed in Revelation 2:17. White Stones are backed by renewable energy and products which are environmentally sound and support basic human needs and restore the environment.


        Grants or interest-free revolving loans could provide the seed money for local endeavors, as well as facilitate the transference of excess wealth to distant areas, in sister communities, or impoverished areas where the need is great. Building the infrastructure for an equitable, just, healthy world is now economically viable. By creating the various components of the currency, people and places would be creating real wealth -- healthy people, healthy relationships, and a healthy world.


The best way to predict the future is to build it. We have created opportunities for people to shift their energy, resources and time from a destructive global economy to a healthy, meaningful, nurturing economy; with the Treasure In Heaven Trust and our "White Stone" currency, we ease the transition dramatically.



Our Currency


As a general rule, in most states it is legal for private individuals and groups to use local currency. Using White Stones is as easy as using  gift certificates!  A gift certificate is essentially a note that allows the holder to redeem it for goods or services of a certain value or quantity. Our Church issues such notes and they began to flow [like a current] from person to person as a medium of exchange, thus they have become a current, or, in other words, a currency.  Rather than stop organizations from issuing their own currencies, the government has, for the most part, decided to go with the “flow.” Therefore, they are as lawful and safe to use as Gift Certificates.


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Paper & Coins Available Soon!

What is Local Currency?

A local currency – also know as a complementary or community currency – is tender which is officially separate from the government’s currency. It can only be used within a designated group or geographic area.


Local/Community currencies


Community currency takes a wide variety of forms to adapt and fit specific needs, but the main features of  White Stones are that it earns zero or negative interest and its circulation is limited to the members of our organization, families and private businesses. Our currency takes on both forms of digital credits AND physical vouchers. Community currencies do not aim to replace the national currency, but work alongside it.


This is a system of accounts using a printed currency as a medium of exchange which allows its users to issue and manage their own personal currency for use within a defined community of individuals, or a particular geographic locality.


Community Currency Systems are intended to increase the cash-flow volume and liquidity within this community or area, providing its members with increased access to a wide variety of goods and services among many other benefits.


Local currencies offer a way to expand the assignment of economic value, so that activities like volunteering in a local garden, giving a neighbor a haircut, or reading to a  senior can help a person earn access to food and other basic needs, even if dollars never change hands.

Barter, exchange, trade and give!
Accept and use White Stones!

How Does It Work?


When we shop within our community we have control over jobs and prices, control over environmental effects and labor conditions. We start new businesses and create more jobs for kids, adults and retirees. We export more goods, keep wealth within the community and set good examples for other groups and communities.


White Stones are created for spending rather than saving. The more hands they touch, the stronger they get! White Stones need to be spent to do their good work of helping us help each other. They earn community interest (job creation, local self-reliance and pride, funding community organizations, making zero-interest loans) rather than public bank interest.


We are rapidly expanding the supply of White Stones. Much of your barter income will come from calling others and offering to exchange goods and services. Tell other private individuals and organizations that you accept White Stones, and mention White Stone Local Currency in any advertising you may initiate.


2 White Stone is a Temple of Light & Life $1.00 bill

10 White Stone is a Temple of Light & Life $5.00 bill

20 White Stone is a Temple of Light & Life $10.00 bill

40 White Stone is a Temple of Light & Life $20.00 bill

100 White Stone is a Temple of Light & Life $50.00 bill


What empowers our community, is that our currency is issued on the basis of goods and services changing hands, i.e., it is “spent into circulation” by private business entities and/or individuals who are able to redeem it by providing goods or services that are in everyday demand by consumers.


Such a currency amounts to an i.o.u. of the issuer, an i.o.u. that is voluntarily accepted by some other provider of goods and services (like an employee or supplier), then circulated, then eventually redeemed, not in cash, but “in kind.” In this way, we “monetize” the value of our own production, just as banks monetize the value of collateral assets when they make a loan, except in this case, it is done by our members based on our  values and criteria, without the “help” or involvement of any government, bank, or ordinary financial institution, and without the need to have any conventional public money to begin with.


How Do I Get White Stones?



- You can open an online account free of charge and receive 50 White Stone credits in your online account

- Earn White Stone credits and/or physical bills by providing labor

- Exchange Products and/or services for White Stone credits or physical White Stone bills

- Request White Stone donations

- Apply for White Stone loans or grants

-Win White Stones as prizes, gifts and rewards!




             White Stone Exchange


2 White Stone -  $1.00



10 White Stone -  $5.00



20 White Stone - $10.00



100 White Stone - $50.00



200 White Stone - $100.00

White Stones will be delivered by mail. Allow 7-10 days for delivery.

Shipping rates apply

To request specific denominations, leave a note in paypal or leave us a message using the contact form.

How trading works


Offers and wants appear on our website or in our monthly catalog. A member makes contact with another member to make an exchange. Members agree on its value, in units of our virtual currency, and make the exchange. Then, the seller enters the exchange online. If you prefer to use paper, not computer, a paper-based system is available. 2 White Stone is notionally equivalent to $1 in value.

White Stone Gallery


Here are some historical references to White Stones that will help you understand our mission and goals.


Revelation 2:17 Hee that hath an eare, let him heare what the Spirit saith vnto the Churches. To him that ouercommeth will I giue to eate of the hidden Manna, and will giue him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth, sauing hee that receiueth it.

"The 'white stone' noticed in Revelation 2:17 has been variously regarded as referring to the pebble of acquittal in Greek courts; to the lot cast in elections in Greece: to both these combined, the white conveying the notion of acquittal, the stone that of election; to the stones in the high-priest's breastplate; to the tickets presented to the victors at the public games, securing them maintenance at the public expense; or lastly to the custom of writing on stones."
(Dr. William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, 1872)


"In the ancient world a white stone was used as an admission ticket to public festivals..."
(Jewish New Testament Commentary, David Stern)

"During the time in which John wrote, a white stone was used in social life and judicial customs. Days of great festivals were noted by a white stone, days of great calamity were noted by a black stone. If a host had a special guest whom he greatly appreciated, the guest was given a white stone with a name or message written on it, directed only to the guest--not to be shared by any other."

Lamentations 4:1 How is the gold become dim! how is the most fine gold changed! the stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street.
(The Revelation Verse by Verse Study, Dr. Oliver B. Greene)


© 2016 Treasure In Heaven Trust

Proudly created  by EPIC SITES

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