Private Community Finance & Banking
About Us
The Treasure In Heaven Trust was created by the Temple of Light & Life to re-establish barter and trade among God's children. By implementing a community based economy the power shifts back into the hands of the people. The time has come to put an end to "the struggle".
We are the ministers of a non-denominational unincorporated Church who saw the need to replace corrupted institutions and systems with those that reflect a righteous and spiritual way of life.
The goals of this program are:
To provide the means for a community to safely and simply increase the money supply in the community without causing inflation.
To encourage economic circulation by enhancing local production capabilities in the community.
Encourage circulation of White Stones while encouraging saving of national currency, to separate the contradiction of encouraging saving while at the same time trying to encourage spending.
To separate the contradiction between the scarcity of money needed to maintain value with the need to have a sufficient medium of exchange in the community.
To identify individual and community assets which can be directed towards the meeting of community needs.
To increase community control over economic activities in a local area.
Protection and enhancement of culture at the local level
(culture does not need to be prostituted for income)
Promotion of multi-sector development
(income, enterprise, food, health, women's, education, savings&loan,
capital accumulation, infrastructure development, etc. Community sees community infrastructure growing to meet their needs.)
Increased possibility of local import substitution.
(increased employment and enterprise development)
Increased employment opportunities.
(increased general standard of living)
Increased importance of traditionally undervalued activities.
(women's work, community work gains greater significance and
Reduction of environmentally destructive activities.
(healthy community and better quality of life, natural resource assets preserved and improved)
Increased strengthening of social relationships and community bonds.
(better social reciprocation produces many benefits)
Demonstration of a counter-cyclical economic tendency.
(community protected from economic downturn)
Mobilizing the real wealth of a community.
(community activity and production is valued and respected)
Decreased gap between the richest and poorest members of a community.
(better community relations, improvement in standard of living of the poor)
Increased support for beneficial community projects.
(community benefits from infrastructure development)