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The Orgonite Research & Development Team

Organization Statement:
The following presentation of discoveries, observations, and theories about orgone energy in reference to orgone energy and it's uses In no way intended to be a substitute for professional medical help but is provided only as an aid in understanding the discoveries of Wilhelm Reich and the ideas behind the functioning of orgone energy. A trained, professional health practitioner should always be consulted for any medical problem. N.E.E.R. Corpsâ„¢ is not associated with any group or individual other than the sole proprietor of the company. References to books and other researchers is given as additional sources for information as a service to readers. N.E.E.R. Corpsâ„¢ is not advocating or responsible for any claims made by the authors of the materials or websites referenced.

N.E.E.R. Corps Orgone Projects

1. Ecological Applications. We have already begun various eco-friendly projects to help improve the conditions of the environment on local and global levels. Our Applied Sciences Division designs, tests and uses alternative technologies to provide solutions for the problems facing our ecological environment.


'Gifting' is the term used for the distribution of Tactical, practical Orgone field devices, (TB's and HHG's) close to areas of Negativity and high Toxicity. Marine life interference & unnatural Tidal activity have been the cause of Tsunamis and Hurricanes throughout the planet, the movement is largely focused on cleaning the seas. This term has been coined since these devices are 'Gifts' from us back to nature


"Cloudbusting" is the name of a popular environmental operation using orgonite and orgone technology. We have plans in place that will implement this technology in the VIVUS Earthship Project on our land in North Carolina and we will be building these devices upon request to help other communities and environments.


2. Biological Applications.  We can safely assume that early humans felt life force, just as most humans of our days can feel this energy, once they have been made aware of its existence. In many cultures, they also noticed that life force can be directed. The practices of yoga and Chi Gong emerged from such knowledge. Some people realized that it was life force, which was the "motor" of anything that is callaed "paranormal" in our otherwise "enlightened" times. In fact, nothing that is the result of appplied orgone energy is "para" (beyond) normal. In fact, it belongs to the normal interaction of humans, if not all living beings that we know of, with their environments.

Orgone Energy.

Orgone energy, the creative force in nature, is not a form of electromagnetism nor of matter but is fundamental to both. It is the specific life energy, but life is only one particular manifestation of it.


Orgone is the universal Life force, the basic building block of all organic and inorganic matter on the material planet. Coined by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Orgone has been called by the Great mystics and philosophers; Chi, Prana, Ether, Zero-Point Energy or simply the Force. Dr. Reich, an Austrian scientist, philosopher and psychoanalyst; developed a technology to tap into the Cosmic Orgone Sea to provide a continuous stream of Life-force energy.


ZINURU TECH is the name of our line of orgonite devices. One of the things that makes N.E.E.R. Corps unique is that we are always coming up with new and innovative ways to improve upon past or current technologies and concepts. We build staves/walkingsticks, energy rods, orgone accumulator carrying cases for staves, orgonite pendants, armor, mini cloudbusters and many other unique designs.


Below is a partial gallery of ZINURU TECH Builds. To request a custome item click the  'contact us' tab and let us know what you would like ZINURU TECH to build for you.

Counter Evidence.


They are only a fraction of the evidence that exists, as I pointed out. What now of the evidence against the existence of orgone energy? What has traditional science done to refute or cast doubt on Reich Is claims? In the 20-plus years since Reich announced the discovery of orgone energy, no good-faith repetition of any critical orgone energy experiment has ever been published refuting Reich’s results.


Dr. Bernard Grad repeated and confirmed Reich’s "Experiment XX;" who has refuted it? I repeated and confirmed his weather control experiments; who has refuted these? The fact is, despite (and partly because) of the ridicule, defamation, and attempts by the orthodox to "bury" Reich and orgonomy, there is no counter evidence to his experiments in any scientific publication, much less a systematic refutation of the volumes of scientific work which support his position.

The "evidence" against orgone energy consists of distortions of facts, defamation, ridicule, and related activities the apparent motive for which has been to destroy Reich and orgonomy without examining the evidence.

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