A Path To TRUE Freedom. Exiting The Matrix.

In this adventure I have come to realize that freedom can be sought out many ways. How can it be found? Well now, I'd have to tell you from experience how it went for me.
In revoking the power of attorney some years ago along with changing my status to 'elector', I noticed that my voter registration cancellation went through fine and my documents were recorded in my county BUT.... The social security administration denied my revocation. Then I went to the Social Security Administration website and found that once one has a social security number, the only way to opt out is through your religious beliefs or beliefs in general. You could also report identity theft but then you'd just get a new number.
Sometime thereafter I learned that the Authorized 1611 King James Bible was accepted in all courts as EVIDENCE OF LAW. Which led me to study the 1st Amendment and Public Law 97-280. Then it hit me.... "HOLY CRAP! THIS IS EASY!". Listen people, I'll now cut this short to say that we have been born into a game that we didn't create. The game is Good Vs. Evil thus there are really only TWO SIDES in all this. Everything we are trying to be FREE from we KNOW is pure evil, so logically one must study GOOD and God to counter, combat and free oneself from this corruption.
Thus I became ordained, baptized, received my new name, documented that based on my beliefs and had that recorded. Next, I founded what is called a 'free church' called the Temple of Light & Life which is an entity that is beyond any earthly jurisdiction. Then I learned about Private Trusts and their power in helping people and families operate in the public while protecting the assets and family. Private Trusts are also the key to doing business in the public safely.
Below are some examples of what I mean for those that doubt the validity of my words.
The Power of Your Beliefs
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 25 (UPI) _ A Los Angeles Superior Court judge has ruled in favor of five men who refused to supply their Social Security numbers on driver's license applications because of their religious beliefs.
Judge Diane Wayne said she based her ruling on the men's ``sincerely held religious convictions ..that anyone who uses his or her Social Security number is in danger of not receiving eternal life.''
As a result, the California Department of Motor Vehicles will be forced to accommodate the men, who believe the numbers are the ``mark of the beast'' referred to in the Bible's Book of Revelations.
California residents involved in the suit were Michael Bromley of Mojave, James Clifford Brunson of Quartz Hill, Leo Guglielmo of West Hills and Paul Villandry of Littlerock. A fifth man, Steven Jones, currently lives in Idaho.
Some evangelical Christians believe the biblical end of the world will be characterized, in part, as a time in which those without an identifying mark or number will not be able to participate in commerce.
They believe this is the number or mark of the anti-Christian beast. Villandry says ``If I'm locked into that number, I'm going to hell.''
The Los Angeles Times says this is the first court decision to declare that a driver's license applicant can refuse to give the DMV a Social Security number for religious reasons.
Free Churches
A free-church is a church that is truly separate, independent and autonomous from the State. It is established by a local body of believers, or chartered or "planted" by another free church body or denomination, without the permission or sanction of the State. A free-church cannot incorporate, it cannot seek a 501c3 status, it cannot become a tax collector for the State (withholding agent), it cannot accept government-issued tax numbers (EIN).
The term "free-church" was widely used by the American colonists. It was not a term that they coined, but one which they inherited from their fathers and forebears such as the Scottish Covenanters, and the "non-conformist" English clergy,
Private Trusts
"The fact is that the use of trusts is the trick which has helped to make families wealthy and kept them wealthy generation after generation."
Common law trusts are not bound by laws controlling the actions of corporations.
Common law trusts are not bound by "public policy" decisions of the legislature that are masquerading as "law". Common law trusts need not open their books to anyone unless ordered to do so by a true judicial warrant issued by an appropriate court. Common law trusts may freely engage in any activity that any American Citizen may engage in.
"These trusts - whether pure trusts or partnership - are unincorporated. They are not organized under any statute; and they derive no power, benefit, or privilege from any statute."Hecht v. Malley, 68 L ed 949
A Pure Trust is not subject to legislative control. The Court holds that the Trust is...not subject to legislative restriction as are corporation and other statutory entities created by legislative authority."Croker v. MacCloy, 649 US Supp 39
"A Pure Trust derives no power, benefit, or privilege from any statute."Crocker v. Malley 264 US 144
Privacy - Common law trusts can provide privacy in a manner that no statutory entity can. Whenever the State is a party to a business arrangement, such as establishing a corporation or other statutory entity, the State requires the particulars from all the associated parties and that information becomes a part of the public record and is generally accessible.
By contrast, a common law trust is traditionally held in the strictest privacy, with no one but the settlor and the trustee knowing all the details of the trust and the identities of those involved.
So you see, this is the path that I have chosen and what I teach to people that want to become free. I assist anyone who is in need of help getting out of this twisted maze. There are Free Ebooks, Ebooks, Files, Links, Services, Videos, Blogtalks and more here on this site. www.machettevanhelsing.com