What is money and its purpose? Money works by faith or confidence. Faith and money have the same definition. Faith & Money are: the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Money is any object of record, generally accepted as payment for goods & services & payment of debts. Main functions of money include: medium of exchange, a unit of account, store of value. Any object or secure verifiable record that fulfills these functions can serve as money.
Fiat money is without intrinsic value as a commodity and derives its value by declaration by a gov't to be legal tender. It must be accepted as a form of payment within that gov't, for 'all debts, public and private.” So legal tender is not based on faith or confidence because it MUST be accepted. It's a decree, an order, it's authority.
Money is supposed to serve in a lawful trade of property. It's a convenience to do a trade. If you own no property, you must be doing someone else's trade, right? Money should serve a purpose, you should not be serving a purpose for money, unless you own no property. Money should be your servant, not your master.
What is the root of all evil? What is the root of all money (a more important question)? Takes us back to who owns the property. It is the lack of property that is the root of all evil, not money, but it is related to it. So if you own no property, what is money? And if you did own property, what is money? All of a sudden, money takes on a whole different meaning. Remember, counterfeit, upside down, backwards. If you do not own property, you can never issue money. If you do own property, you can issue money.
Money is the evidence of who owns property. Look at the image and superscription on the money. Whosoever's image is on it, has made a promise to pay. It is their debt, not yours. We're tricked into assuming/undertaking debts which we do not own. We assume the debt for the right to have/hold some property. If you own nothing, how can you buy/sell anything? What do you own to contract with? Are you contracting with someone else's property? Buying & Selling someone else's property? That is why you have to get a receipt and account to the owner for all your transactions.
Money in itself is not a bad thing, but there are laws governing money & what one can do with it. When money is used to defer a trade, the law has not yet been fulfilled. When the money is redeemed, the law is fulfilled. When the money vanishes, the law is fulfilled. Money can only be used as a convenient way to accomplish something lawfully.
Money is a storage of wealth if you do not own anything. But your storage of wealth is always the storage of someone else's debt. Money is always a credit and a debt. Whose credit and whose debt depends on who owns the property.
Initial loss of property was your inheritance... the natural material things of the world that you need to sustain your life. 2nd loss of your property is an ongoing swindle thru labor. This is your property that turns your inheritance into wealth. Its your labor that turns material things of the world into wealth.
The deceiver needs your life. Not your civil life, but your real life. It is your life that makes labor possible & labor that produces wealth from the materials. The deceiver is not your maker, so they have to make you believe they are.
Every time you give your labor, your property in your adopted makers name, you are giving it in person, by and thru a fictional son and you are receiving no property in return. You only receive a credit in person which you can exchange to hold some personal property. This is a fraud/swindle to obtain your real property unlawfully and we voluntarily accept it.
If you own property, you regulate commerce. If you do not own property, the property owner regulates it.
When we do not own property, everything is backwards. We are just agents dealing in someone else's property. The credit comes from the real owner and we exchange credits of the owner. We give a bill of credit with the owner's image on it, and a Bill of Sale for the owner, which is really a Bill of Transfer. Why? Because ownership has not changed hands. Owner still owns it all. All that has happened is the transfer of possession of the owner's property. So, nothing has been bought or sold. Only charge and discharge to transfer someone else's property & once a year you have to account for all these transactions to the owner. At the end of the year, owner still owns everything. Just a monopoly game. Monopoly means: one owner.
I'm holding someone's promise to pay and I'd like to redeem it. So I need to give back the IOU which is their obligation which is now fulfilled and destroyed. That was their debt. When they get the IOU back, they destroy it, and the credit is gone. The money vanishes. Money is created out of thin air and vanishes into thin air. I've just given you the answer. People who cannot understand this have a confusion of money because of their confusion of property. They believe they own property, but they don't.
Money in circulation does not pay debts. When money pays a debt it vanishes. The debt is gone. Question arises, why can _____ issue money? Because they own property. When is the last time you issued money? NEVER! Because you practiced the worst crime called treason (attornment). The penalty for treason is loss of inheritance. That occurred during the attornment.
If you owned property, you would keep issuing money to a minimum and you would do it only as a convenient way to do a trade. The more money you issue, the poorer you become because you will have to give up property to redeem the money and at some point in the future to fulfill the law.
Money is always a debt, cannot be otherwise. Every time someone issues money, they've lost control over some of their property. They become debtors and whoever has accepted the money or their promise to pay is the creditor. The one who accepted the money is the one who gave the faith, belief and trust … the credit to the debtor. IOW, the one who accepted the money created the money. Money works exactly opposite to what people believe or know.
How does money work today, as you know it? In its most basic sense, money is a medium thru which we exchange something of value, some goods or services. Two entities are trading or exchanging something, and neither one is you. Both are fictions and you are a 3rd party who is trespassing. We call that an agent or a trustee. Money is a temp thing. When the exchange is done, the money is gone. It vanishes.
But, if I don’t own any property, whose goods and services am I exchanging? If one understands how the trick is done and see thru the illusion that you think is real, you will know the answer.
Our money continues circulating within society because no trade of ownership of property is ever done. Ownership never changes hands. If the money you used to pay for the thing you obtained, the money would vanish. We cannot pay for anything because we own nothing, except the property of our labor which we are giving away freely.
The money we use is only legal tender or an offer which must be legally accepted, thereby transferring the right in the property to another. The owner still owns it all. The owner never loses anything.
There are only two ways to own property. By inheritance and by labour. One is free, the other you work for. There is no inheritance of property ownership in any country on earth. It is not possible if you have attorned. What you think of as an inheritance is the right to have and hold property and not a right to own property.
Your labor can be exchanged for property, that is a property exchange. But when you exchange it voluntarily by and thru a medium, buy it thru a son of USA/CANADA, in person, this is not your labor, it is the labor of the son, a fictional being. A son is a member of the public. Your labor is now public. It belongs to and concerns the whole – the one.
You voluntarily made it public, it is now in the public domain. Your labor has been converted into money by acting as a son who was created in the image of Canada/USA or the Queen/Unc Sam. The money is proof that you acted, worked and labored in her name. Money is anything that is stamped by her authority or in the US, public authority. You've voluntarily transferred your labour property into public authority.
How your property is stolen:
1. They tricked & deceived you into abandoning your inheritance by becoming what you are not and believe you are. (strawman)
2. They tricked you into transferring your labor by and thru a medium that is dead (a fiction), which you believe you are & claim to be thru your created permanent Identification.
3. A job is to transact public biz dishonestly for private gain, and you gain nothing. Only to have and hold which is public. Yet we are kept from leaving, abandoning, departing from the 'one' because we know no other way, have become dependent, a child/ward of the State. The 'one' needs us to remain dependent because we are a human resource needed to give life to the dead. The trick can't work otherwise 'cause it' would have no value.
“For the community does not exist on the fictitious value of money but on the results of productive labour, which is what gives money its value.” Thomas Robert Malthus, Principles of Political Economy (1836). You are the medium of exchange, and without you there is no value. Money has no value until you give it value. Money has to pass thru a medium to obtain its value. Gov't only takes in revenue after it has been given value.
Why does gov't not just print up money and spend it? Because it has no value yet. It is the value that replaces the credit. The value destroys the credit. Now, you can print up money & spend it but it has to go thru a different process now. In reality, you are paying by giving money value with your property, your labour. But you do not get to own what you paid for. A debt discharged is not a debt paid. Remember, when you pay the debt, the money vanishes.
In Stanley vs. White in Minnesota explained the legal distinction between “payment” and “discharge” (it doesn't mean it is a lawful distinction; but a legal distinction)
“There is a distinction between a debt discharged and a debt paid. When discharged, the debt still exists, though divested of its character as a legal obligation during the operation of the discharge. Something of the original vitality of the debt continues to exist, which may be transferred, even though the transferee takes it subject to its disability incident to the discharge. The fact that it carries something which may be a consideration for a new promise to pay so as to make an otherwise worthless promise and equal obligation makes it the subject of transferred by assignment.” (like passing a hot potatoe around)
so... based on charge and discharge: a guy (thru his person “Bob”) works for a corporation... both “Bob” and the Corp are persons. At end of the week the Corp can't pay because only an owner can give credit. So corp offers a Bill of Credit from the owner. “Bob” takes it because he's confident he can use this bill to get what he wants and exchange it for anything in the owner's kingdom. Remember, within the boundaries of the 'one' family.
The guy gave corp his labor thru his person (“Bob”); the labor is the guy's property...so he gave the corp his credit. What did Corp give him? A bill of credit, but the bill of credit comes from the corp's owner. See, the 'one' owns the corp and also owns “Bob”. They are all persons. The guy is now holding a bill from the owner (gov't). Govt's image is on the bill.
Why do you not charge interest on an outstanding bill? You're holding govt's 'bill of credit'. Why don't you charge interest on the outstanding bill? Why is there no interest on govt's debt to us? It is non-interest bearing promissory note, legally, because the owner is a fiction. It is a material effigy which you serve... it cannot give value to anything.
So, you gave property you owned and you got to hold something in return. This is called a 'chosen action'. You are only the holder in due course of a legal tender to discharge your liability. It is a constant giving of property from you and a constant taking of property, giving in return only a promise to discharge your obligation. It is not a promise to pay.
Remember? Money is evidence of things not seen. The guy gave the corp credit and his property (labor). Corp now gives guy a bill for the credit. Bob now has the evidence of things not seen. He can exchange the bill for the substance hoped for. But corp gave guy a bill of credit from corp's owner. The bill, which the owner owes, can be exchanged for any other bill you get from the same owner.
When you get a gas bill, you can exchange it for your dollar bills of the credit for the gas bill and your liability is back to zero. This is called the Bills of Exchange act. You did not pay the gas bill. You only discharged it because you own no property (no value). You transferred the owner's liability to the gas company. The gas company will exchange it for another liability and it continues to circulate.
The bill from gas company is a bill from gov't again. And the bill from the corp to exchange that bill also came from the gov't. Everything is owned by the 'one.'
Owner owns “Bob”, the Corporation & the gas company. This is not a payment, but a remittance. Send it back.... zero; give you some credit, send some credit back, back to zero.
The owner does not buy or sell anything. He still owns everything. Starting to understand the importance of owning property?
The man named “Bob” is not paid for anything, but he has discharged a personal liability, in person. In fact, he has also voluntarily gave his property (his labor) by and thru his 'person'. THIS IS FRAUD, stealing and unjust enrichment. The reason it is fraud is because people don't know they are doing this. They are giving up their property voluntarily to the 'one' constantly and getting no property in return.
You do not own the legal rights to this 'person' so you have to pay a tax, a rent or a charge for using 'it'. These are called 'withholdings'. You, who thinks, acts and speaks for it, gets the disposable income that is left. What a neat way to steal from you, all because you are confused as to who you are.
How are you going to get the value out of your owner's debt? Your govt's debt? When you exchange it and she made a law called 'legal tender'. This is a legal offer you must accept if it is offered. Does govt make or produce anything? No. Nothing but rule over you. That is what we did by our attornment... you wanted govt to rule over you. You be my God. Does govt protect you in exchange for your allegiance? No. Nothing, but give you a gun and commands you to fight. Who protects and defends you? Who does the work so you can redeem govt's debt? You do. There is nobody here but us people.
When you hold money, someone is in debt. The more money you have, the harder someone else in society has to work to pay off that debt. Is that a nice thing to do to each other? Is that doing unto others as you would have them do unto you?
Money is a faith game and the deceivers have your faith. This is the reason for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs! You think your job is for your welfare, but not really. It is for the rich to redeem your debts, because they are holding most of the debt. Someone has to do the work. The 1% of the people have 99% of your debt. They are holding the debt of the 99% who have 1% of the debt. You are one of those holding part of the 1%, so that is all you can exchange. If the 99% of the people would no longer accept public debt then the 1% would have to get off their butts and start working. It is govt debt, not your debt. If you own nothing, you are a beggar who is willing to assume and undertake govt debt for a commission and then you are told what you can and cannot do with it.
This gets even worse.... The rich put their money out to work for them, that is usury. They are using debt to create more debt. This is legal: i.e. stealing, unjust enrichment and unlawful. Usury is a penalty for being poor. The more money they make on their money, the more debt the 1% holds and the harder you get to work. The more money there is the less its value. Your labor is being decreased in value and the rich people's money is expanding thru debt.
Those who control the monetary system, control the value of the natural world and your labor through the representative of it (money). The money system can increase & decrease the value of it at will. If you have too much money you will stop working. If everyone has lots of money, nothing gets done or produced. If everyone has too much money and stops working, nobody can redeem anything for anything. You see, its not the money, its the labor. Its the material wealth, the inheritance and the labor turning your inheritance into wealth, which is called increase, not money.
You think you want a job because you know of no other way of life. Govt wants a job for you so that they have something to redeem the debt that you are holding. Otherwise it is worthless. Banking is to keep track of govt's business which you run and have to account for. All you have is a franchise and an office, you have no private business.
Everything you think you own is not property, but only an asset with you as a trustee in a fiduciary trustee relationship. You are only an equitable holder of things as a trustee. You are not the owner of anything.
You've not only abandoned your own birthright but you have destroyed your children's birthright too when you registered their birth and applied for a B.C. But remember. This is all fraud.
There is a way out, a better life, a real life. Go to the 'Master the System' page on this website.
And here it is from the Bank of England website; https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/knowledgebank/why-does-money-depend-on-trust