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The Story. The Game. The System.

We have all been born into a game that we did not create, ask to play, or make the rules for. That is to say, we have been FORCED into it and in this article, I am going to PLAINLY explain what it is, how to play it, how to beat the game, turn off the 'game system' and walk away, free to live the way life was meant to be.

In this game there are only TWO SIDES one can choose to play on, God's side or the Devil's side. The default challenge is that 99% of the people in America have been prematurely placed on the Devil's side of the game as newborns and have been raised to carry out their lives based on the Devil's strategy and game setup. On this side of the game is darkness, death, evil, dis-ease, deception, illusion and fiction with the Devil as it's ruler.

The Devil was once an Angel but turned against God when he was infected by evil which has many details that I will not go into, but I say this to make one aware of the fact that the ruler of this side of the game is NOT a man NOR a 'myth'. Let me make one point that needs to be pondered upon. The FIRST law of nature is 'self preservation'. NO SPECIES on the planet was designed to destroy itself as a species. Therefore, man plotting and scheming to destroy man DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE! 

Secondly, this system, this GAME has been ingeniously devised to destroy man and every living thing on the planet. NO MAN OR WOMAN on this planet is smart enough to have come up with this grand scheme of death, destruction and deception. My brothers and sisters, the 'devil' is VERY REAL as well.

Now let's take a look at a few more areas of interest in this article to clear up the fog before I continue. Heaven and the Heavens simply means and is SPACE! Of course we should review the definitions as to make certain that these concepts are not misconceived or exaggerated.

Heaven - a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky.

;the sky, especially perceived as a vault in which the sun, moon, stars, and planets are situated.

"Galileo used a telescope to observe the heavens"

space - the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move.

"the work gives the sense of a journey in space and time"

;the physical universe beyond the earth's atmosphere.

;the near vacuum extending between the planets and stars, containing small amounts of gas and dust.

This being said, it is logical that ANY ancient records of anything ascending up into the "Heavens" or descending down from the "Heavens" means that these beings and things either went up into 'space' or came down to the Earth's surface from 'space'.

I'm glad that I have been able to express those subjects without getting stuck or having a blockage of what words to use because we can now get to the meat and potatoes of all this.

The Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven is indeed the abode of all things and beings with the First Source and Center/ God/ the 1 as it's source. This is to say that there are very many things going on outside of our planet that most people do not know about. In studying history, religion, ancient texts and archaeology it is evident that our planet has been visited by and is currently occupied not only by man but other intelligent beings as well.

Now, in this game there are TWO jurisdictions the Jurisdiction of Hell and the jurisdiction of Heaven. We have gone over the details and concepts of Heaven and now we must cover the concepts and meanings of Hell. Firstly, I will of course present the definitions to set the appropriate pace.

Hell - A place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death.

A state or place of great suffering; an unbearable experience.

Also it is important to note that it was commonly known in medieval times that 'debtors prisons' were nicknamed "Hell". When subjects of kingdoms were in debt to their kings and unable to pay, they were placed into dungeons or 'debtors prisons'. 

Biblicly, debt and sin are one and the same hence, the dual meaning. In addition to the previous depictions, it is well known by certain scholars, scientists, researchers ad archaeologists that there were and is a vast array of creatures and beings that exist under the Earth's surface. It is also known that the magma and heat within the planet is responsible for the constant images of fire along wit the ancient texts referencing the underworld with fire and 'monsters'. 

Moreover, it has been custom of many religions to bury the dead, leading to the belief of the dead being in and going underground to hell into the fire based on the non-repentance of sin which is spiritually and cosmically equivalent to being in debt.

Earth and "the World"

Know this... Earth and 'the World' are two ENTIRELY different places. Earth is the common name of the planet we live on created by God. The World, is what has been BUILT on top of the Earth and is the common nickname for it's global expansion. 

The 'world' consists of everything created that is not natural or beneficial to life. The creations and concepts of the world destroy life on Earth and the Earth itself. They also bind intelligent beings to it, separating them from the Kingdom of Heaven, the connection to the Creator and all things in existence.

The 'World' has been designed by the Devil and is set up to keep everyone in sin and debt. It is run by a system which in this narrative is called 'the game'. It has also been set up to promote and spread evil and suffering. Death, deception, darkness, dis-ease along with all the negative energies and entities makes up what is in every way Hell, but on the surface which is where most people live. Why? 

Well let's take a look at a few things. Firstly, at almost EVERYONE'S very beginnings on Earth we are technically KILLED, presumed as dead and recorded as such. Born into sin, debt, death, suffering and evil from day one. THAT is how 'the game' starts for most of us. 

Therefore, by every description and definition the 'world' is indeed Hell, DEFINITELY a debtor's prison (with no walls or bars but BORDERS), DEFINITELY where the wicked are punished, and DEFINITELY a realm of evil and suffering.

Being raised and programmed by this system causes many to be bound to it thus being bound to the 'world'. There is now a new surefire way to win. Become a VIVIS X player! Play the game YOUR WAY and win!

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