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Where The Buyers Are Hiding

Updated: Mar 12, 2020

Listen guys & gals, I'm going to cut the crap here and just tell you what almost nobody wants to tell you. I have hunted and tracked the REAL cash buyers that are currently buying real estate. When you are new in real estate investing, especially wholesaling, the information can be overwhelming and confusing. This will definitely slow you down or stagnate you completely.

This is what you do. When you find the 'investor friendly' title companies REALIZE that they deal with buyers and sellers ALL THE TIME!

Let me say this another way. THE TITLE COMPANIES HAVE YOUR BUYERS LISTS! So please....please... stop kicking your own ass looking for REAL cash buyers.

You have two options, you can ask the title company if they can sell (or give) you a list of buyers that you can contact for your deals OR you can ask them how much they will charge you to bring a buyer into each individual deal you bring. EITHER WAY, the closing companies have and have good relationships with cash buyers.

So contact different title companies, or when you are at the closing table with a deal just ask them: “Might there be anyone else you do closings for that pay cash for properties? Everything else from that point should be easy peasy. Every deal you bring to them will have a buyer attached by default at this point and you will no longer need to find buyers for your deals.

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