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The Divine Triangle
The Divine Triangle is a chronological blueprint of your life. It is built around the right triangle and it includes three squares that represent Youth, Power, and Wisdom. Each square encloses 27 years of a person’s life-cycle and doing specific calculations taken from our birth year and first name, we can draw a blueprint, a life map in which we can see not only some important events of our past and present life but also important events that might happen in our future.
It assumes that life progresses in predictable cycles. That we go through a 9-year life cycle, which means that every 9 years we or someone in our family, like our children, can experience similar events.
The Divine Triangle is like a numerical blueprint and the great thing about it is that we can change it. We have a great tool here and once we know how to use it, we can work on developing and improving our self-awareness and by doing so, we will be able to break negative patterns and focus on our mission in life and improve or simply change old patterns that don’t serve us anymore.
Scales of the Numbers

The use of these Scales, in numerology, the composition of Talismans, Seals, Rings, &c., must be obvious to every student upon inspection, and are indispensably necessary to the producing of any effect whatever that the artist may propose to himself; for, as we have before observed, all things were formed according to the proportion of numbers, this seeming to be the principal pattern in the mind of the Creator; therefore, when at any time we set about any work or experiment in Celestial Magic, we are to have especial regard to the rule of numbers and proportions.
For example, if we would obtain the celestial influence of any star, we are, first of all, to observe at what time that star is powerful in the heavens, I mean in good aspect with the benefices, and ruling in the day and hour appropriated to the planet, and in fortunate places of the figure; then we are to observe what divine names are ruling the intelligences, or angels, to which the said planets are subject with their characters (which you may see at large in the Magical Tables of Numbers);
then, by referring to the above Tables of the Scales, we may see, by inspection, to what numbers are attributed divine names, and, under them, the orders of the intelligences--the heavenly spheres--elements and their properties--animals, metals, and stones--powers of the soul--senses of man-virtues--the princes of the evil spirits--places of punishment--degrees of the damned souls--degrees of torments hereafter--and every thing that is either in heaven, or earth, or hell;--all our senses, motions, qualities, virtues, words, or works, are submitted to the proportions of numbers, as you may see fully exemplified in the different Scales of the Numbers; and all things that are knowable are demonstrable by them, and are attributed to them; therefore great is the knowledge and wisdom to be derived from numbers.
The negatives of numbers

What MOST numerologists fail to mention is NEGATIVE NUMBERS. There are instances where a numerology calculation may be a little off or completely opposite of your personality. 9 out of 10 times the reason is because there are aspects of the personality that are expressing negative frequencies.
For example, if someone has an outer personality number of 1, that would mean that in a positive state of mind, that individual expressed the qualities of originality, leadership, God- likeness, etc. But in a negative state of mind that same individual would be a FOLLOWER and will express Devil- like qualities instead of God- like ones.
Also, it helps knowing the FREQUENCY of the people places and things in your life. Some of them can be negative. When you are aware of the negative numbers, everything makes more sense.
If 85% of most people's day is controlled by the 'subconscious/shadow', then it must mean that they are outwardly expressing a negative number. Which is to say that 85% of the time MOST people are the negative of whatever their numbers are... AND they will attract other negative people & beings to themselves that you must be aware of.
The positive can't exist without an equal force of negative to balance it. Otherwise, it would be neutral, not positive.
The negative aspect of a number doesn't always neccessarily mean the opposite of the positive. Instead, it can be the same energy but expressed negatively instead of positively.
Consequences of a negative number expression
Lack of initiative: the person has difficulty in physically moving, in finding motivation, not only physical but also mental. It can result in long periods of unemployment, for example
Low self-esteem: inability to make decisions, shyness, lack of self-esteem. Feelings that limit a person’s dream goals;
Difficulties communicating: these people are misunderstood, they don’t have the ability to communicate their wishes;
Obstacles in the working life: blockages that can lead to poor pay, career failure, failure to keep a job for an extended period of time;
Little financial or emotional stability: professionals highs and lows that strongly disrupt one’s self-esteem and financial standing;
Blocks in sentimental life: the person may be constantly being betrayed and disillusioned by relatives, companions and coworkers;
Intolerance and fear: the person moves away from everything and everyone. This isolation results in several psychological illnesses.