(Negative Energy & Entity Removal Corps)
Human- having or showing those positive aspects of nature and character regarded as distinguishing humans
from other animals.having the attributes of man as opposed to animals divine beings or machines.
Zombie- one who looks or behaves like an automaton; a person who appears to be lifeless apathetic or totally lacking in independent judgement; automaton.
*A slow moving person of very little intelligence
Someone who responds in an apathetic or mechanical way.
Automaton - one who acts mechanically or leads a routine monotonous life.
​Apathy - lack of interest or concern, especially matters of general import. Lack human emotion or feeling; impassiveness
Via. The Urantia Book: " On the universe records, a mortal personality is considered to have met with death whenever the essential mind circuits of human will action have been destroyed, and again this is death irrespective of the continuing function of the living mechanism of the physical body. The body minus the volitional mind is no longer human. But according to the prior choosing of the human will, the soul of such an individual may survive."
Volition - an act of making a choice or decision; the power of choosing
The illusion is the image of zombies in mainstream media, the lie is that nothing of this magnitude has happened and is "fiction". Based on the definition of the word zombie, we see clearly that it is a description of what we call "living" beings not the "dead". Therefore let us look at this word more closely. Noticeably in the Bible, whenever Jesus spoke of the "dead" he was talking about the living.